Phase 1: That night

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Dextrous called Daniel to know where he was but he never picked her call, so she retired to her room as the alcohol was doing its work in her body.

She hurried down to her room, she was feeling dizzy so she ran toward her room and bumped into someone.

Dex looked up to find Blaise standing right infront of her room with a bottle of cider.

What was he doing over there? She thought.

Dex turned away to run from him, but his strong arms grabbed Dex arm before she could run away and lead themselves to her room. Blaise locked the door.

Dex couldn't run away as all of it happened in a blink of an eye. She was hurt not because Blaise had grabbed her to her room but she was aching for his touch.

Blaise looked down at his hand on Dex’s arm. He released his grip with a touch, not too much force for it to seem natural. He looked up at her, she could see the hot anger in his eyes, coupled with hurt he was trying to side.

“What are you doing here?” He asked, incredulous.

The headache resisted her to process any information into her head. But she looked at him when he was the first to speak.

"This is my room, at least for tonight. Where else I would be? Where have you thought I would be ?" She interrogated him back.

“You know that’s not what I mean.” He turned away from her, took a few steps across the room, and then turned back again.

Blaise was about to say something, but instead he  sighed. “Didn’t  expect to see you again so soon, after yesterday. Definitely didn’t expect you to be here at old Deli’s party,” he scoffed.

Dex couldn't stand anymore. She turned towards her bed, tossed her clutch purse and shoes on the floor, and sat on the bed with her hand on her head.

"Honestly Blaise, I don't know what you meant and I didn't expect to see you either. I came here upon an invitation, you know I work for that man." Dex squeezed her forehead, the alcohol was making her feel weak, "Earlier I decided not to attend this but later I ended up here. Why are you here ?"

“I know you work for him, but I didn’t think it was this kinda work. Thought it was behind the scenes kinda stuff. Doesn’t matter.” He waved his hand dismissively as he leaned against the wall across the bed.

Dex watched him, he was drunk.

“Got an invite too, couple days ago or something. Guessed it wouldn’t be so bad. Knew Deli a few years back, not for long, but we had business together.” He slid down the wall and sat with his hands on his knees.

Dex looked at him the whole time he talked, without blinking her eyes, she was taking him in. She was carried away by the love she still had for him. The four walls seemed to suffocate her.

Emotions stuck at her throat, any moment she could cry to him. She brought her hands to cover her face after he finished talking and laid back to the bed.

"Blaise?" Still covered her face, she whispered.

How can this hurt so much? Emotions were overwhelming in her heart. Time may be have betrayed her. The one from whom she was running away whole day, was now infront of her conversing with her.

She wanted to run and embrace him and tell him the truth that she lied to him.

But alas! She couldn't do that, he would grab Delilah right there and tear him off.

“Yeah?” He asked, voice the kind of soft it only ever was with her, it showed only concern and love.

It was heartbreaking pain that she was feeling. She trembled as she heard his calm voice. Tears ran through her corner of eyes.

August Whodunit: Serpentine TearsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ