Phase 2: Interrogation

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Detective Robert Santiago called Dextrous to Delilah's study. She walked down to the study with some popcorn and soda with her, at exact time when he asked her to come.

Yeah, she is punctual!

Robert opened the door, gesturing for Dextrous to enter. "Please take a seat." He said.

Dextrous entered and took her assigned seat she was addressed to.

"So, Miss Williams. What were you doing the night of the murder?" Robert asked, sitting down in front of her.

Whoa. Direct straightforward question. He seemed to be in a hurry.

Dextrous narrowed her eyes to Detective, "First I was invited by Apollo to the Basement where we had a alcohol party, then I remembered to go to Sarah Anne Dower to get acetaminophen for was around 11:10pm when I left basement. Before I took the acetaminophen, I  chatted with Cassandra in the library and left the library."

Dex grabs popcorn, she brought with her.

"Later around 11:40pm I called Mr.Close to know where he was but he never picked up my call." She took a sip of Soda and continued, "My head felt dizzy due to the alcohol. So I retired to my assigned room where I found Blaise and finally uptil the murder we both were in my room as drunk teenagers."

"I will confirm this from the people you have mentioned. It has come to my attention that you have been avoiding people, usually avoidance results from a sense of urgency." Robert asked her, "Was there anything urgent you needed to do? Anything eating your mind?"

Dex nodded in agreement "Sure sure, why not. You can ask all the peeps whom I mentioned."

Dex looked at her popcorn and muttered, "Detective, I think you would like to correct your statement. As much as I can recall from that night, I only avoided Blaise in the hallway."

She looked up at Mr. Santiago, "There wasn't any urgency. I had to put an end to Blaise and mine relationship due to some circumstance, and I tried not to talk to him, that's why I avoided him. May you do me the honour of telling me who were the other people I avoided that night ?"

"Hmm firstly, where exactly did you avoid Blaise?" He inquired.

"In the hallway, on my way to the Basement," She smiked at Robert, "where I saw Anna was flirting with you. You flirt way too much Detective!"

His head was hung.

Dex shouted, "Robert ? Where are you ?" when she saw Robert was sleeping while sitting on his chair, "instead of interrogating me, you slept?"

"Correction, we were never flirting in the hallway. I wonder how you managed to see us if we weren't there. Can you look through walls suddenly, Miss Williams?" He asked.

Dex rolled her eyes, "Are you kidding me Detective? The hallway ofcourse leads to the bar. Right? I was on my way to the basement. In the hallway I encountered Blaise and then I saw Anna all over you in the bar and exited the manor to go to the basement."

"Peeking from entrances, how very snoopy of you. So, Miss Williams, what was the nature of your relationship with Mr. Black? You must have been close if he cared to mention you in his will." Robert raised a single eyebrow.

Dex continued to eat popcorn and saw nothing left, "Detective, you ask too many questions. Can you bring some popcorn for me?"

Dex waited for Robert's reaction which was empty as ever.

"Yeah I was peeking from the entrance, don't forget I'm a Spy. So remember to lock your room's doors and windows when you're with someone else." She laughed at her statement.

August Whodunit: Serpentine TearsWhere stories live. Discover now