Phase 1: Party

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Day of the Party

Dextrous woke up, opened the blinds of her room and saw the day was gloomy there was chance that it can rain, the weather was sordid. She headed towards the kitchen, made coffee for herself and flumped back into her couch.

She checked her phone for any accepted reply where she proposed for new job but instead she got messages to spy for someone who is being suspected to do a bank robbery soon.

Rolled her eyes at her phone.

Dextrous tapped "Delete" which means she ignored it. Honestly, spying on someone when you're jobless is like going for a swimming without a swim suit.

She finished her coffee, headed to kitchen and loaded the dishwasher before going outside of her apartment to pick up the newspaper.

She picked up the newspaper along with a yellow envelope. She hurriedly came to third floor to her apartment, tossed the newspaper and started unraveling the envelope and it's contents were:

 She hurriedly came to third floor to her apartment, tossed the newspaper and started unraveling the envelope and it's contents were:

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Dextrous was shocked just as you.

She never expected an invitation from Mr. Black asking her to attend his birthday party, not at least after he fired her from his corporation company.

She tossed the Invitation to her bedside table and went to take a shower.

She decided not to attend his Party.

But her mind wasn't in peace, it is wandering back to the invitation everytime she starts to distract herself.

At afternoon, finally she decided to attend the party unwillingly because there was no way of getting her mind set in peace and she knew he was not going to live much.

Dextrous was still angry on Mr. Black for firing her after working there for several years but setting her anger in ease, she moved on to her room.

She started getting ready for the party, being a office worker and a spy, her wardrobe is full of formal dresses and jumpsuits. The only party dress she have was bought two years ago on her 25th Birthday.

She took the navy blue high neck party dress and went into the closet.

The weather is pretty bad today, so it's better that I wear short dress and high heels. It can rain anytime. Also I won't wear too much make up, the moisture in the environment can smear it off.
She thought.

So She wore light make up with light shade of lipstick and navy high heels. Took her clutch purse, took Armand de Brignac Champagne from her kitchen cupboard.

Packed the alcohol to gift it to Delilah and exited her apartment.

Packed the alcohol to gift it to Delilah and exited her apartment

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August Whodunit: Serpentine TearsWhere stories live. Discover now