♥15♥ There is no going back

Start from the beginning

From a distant away, Takao Kazunari was in the shadows, using his sniper gun to shoot down his enemies with one shot. His Soul Key, Hawk Eye, allowed him to have 100% sight and shooting accuracy no matter how far he was.

'I can't believe that girl was able to pull these things out of us and to even allow us to use it...' Takao thought to himself. 

"Oh! There's Shin-chan and the other miracles..." 

One by one one, the Anti Soul Key weapons the soldiers were told to carry to the battlefield were getting sliced cleanly by an invisible force. However, with Takao's Hawk Eye, he can see the Kiseki no Sedais and Mitsuru destroying as much of the Anti Soul Key weapons as much as they can. 

Kise, Aomine, Murasakibara, Midorima, and Mitsuru were invisible thanks to Kuroko. Kuroko seems to have unlocked his Soul Key's power to another level; originally, anything he touches will become invisible but now he's able to make his teammates invisible to the naked eye. 

'Thanks to Kurokocchi, we are able to disappear!' Kise thought it was very easy, with their S.G's ability to move about, they're able to move without any problems.

'Tetsu's Soul Key allows him to misdirection everybody's attention from him, once he activates Phantom, he will disappear. Now, he is able to make things disappear without having to physically touch them! This is Tetsu's power! Midirection Overflow!' Aomine was proud of his friend, Kuroko has been training in order to get this far...

Kuroko went ahead of everybody, heading to his goal without anyone spotting him. 

The soldiers were being overwhelmed by Seirin's new weapons and an invisible force. Imayoshi and his army were being pushed and their captain was losing control of the upperhand.

"Imayoshi-san, what do we do?!" Sakurai was panicking, unable to stay calm.

"Imayoshi! The enemies are too strong for us!" Yoshinori shouted, we will die if we don't get away!" 

Imayoshi gasped when he suddenly realized his biggest mistake; his attention has been mistdirected on the enemy! He's no longer keeping anyone away from the harbor! He also received report that there's a sniper out of range shooting at them and their weapons were cut up by an invisible force... 

"Imayoshi-san!" Wakamatsu snapped Imayoshi away from his thoughts. 

Imayoshi just let out a chuckle as he put his weapons down. 

"Guys, if you are smart, put your weapons down." 

"HUH?!" Sakurai, Yoshinori, and Wakamatsu were confused by the surrendering captain, "We've failed. The enemy's target was never us...They successfully made us focus on the vehicle..." 

"Aren't they our enemies?!" Sakurai asked.

"They are decoys... The real enemies are long gone..." 


"This is Midorima reporting to Momoi, we have successfully took control of the submarine and is making our way to the underwater experiment ground." Midorima was reporting while the others took some time to rest for the battle coming up real soon. 

--Midorin, thank you for the hard work.-- Momoi replied from the earpiece communicator.

"Is Takao dead?" 

--You're worried about him, aren't you? Hahaha, Taka-chan is well and alive. He is using his Soul Key very well and he told me to tell Mimi that he said 'Thank you'.-- 

♥Hearts♥KnB♥Kise Ryouta or Kasamatsu Yukio♥Where stories live. Discover now