part 17 - a bday present for myself

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Harry cursed to himself, the island he was going to use to propose to (y/n) on was some sanctuary for an endangered species and the wildlife preserves didn't want humans on the island

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Harry cursed to himself, the island he was going to use to propose to (y/n) on was some sanctuary for an endangered species and the wildlife preserves didn't want humans on the island. So he would have to figure out something else for his propos...wait...her birthday was next week! And he had been wanting to do a surprise party for her, and Gil had suggested a scavenger hunt for her to do to keep her busy.

He already had the ring, permission to marry her from her aunt, and the knowing that if he asked, she would say yes...

All he had to do was add one more thing.


You sighed, setting down the heavy crate, wiping sweat from your neck as you stood. "gods, why does it gotta be so warm today" you groaned, undoing the colling towel from your belt and tossing it on your face "aahhhh that's the good stuff~"

"(y/n) what are you doing?" you took off the towel and tossed it around your neck, sighing as the heat on your neck finally decreased.

"cooling down, it's like 95 out here" you complained, turning to look at Bonnie, who was holding two cold waterbottles "oohhhh fuckin-thank you!" she snorted and tossed one to you, you caught It in mid-air and cracked it open, gulping down the cold drink.

"slow down girl" Bonnie chuckled, cracking opening her bottle and starting to drink "oh, happy birthday by the way" you burped and grinned at her.

"Thanks, Bonnie," you blinked in surprise as she handed you a note. "oh, thank-"

"yeah yeah, see you later girl" Bonnie trotted off deck, soon walking out of sight. You shrugged and tore open the paper.

It was Harry's handwriting.

-hello my bonnie lass~ today is your birthday and I wanted to celebrate it by giving you a scavenger hunt to your party today

It will be from the isle to Auradon, no stone left unturned.

Now go to the place, where our first meeting occurred.

You pursed your lips, tilting your head, where you first met huh? Well, that would be on the isle. You closed the note and stuffed it in your pocket, heading to your cabin for a moment to change your clothes, grab your bag, and your motorbike keys.


You looked around the slightly collapsed building, where you had originally met harry, after the chase between the gaston twins and you.

"oh," you gasped, kneeling next to a large chunk of building and pulling out an envelope beneath it. Standing up you leaned against the wall and opened the note, a small bracelet falling out with it, golden painted seashells and opals danced across the metal, you slipped it on and read the note.

-you found it lass, now in the spot where the stars shine bright, the place I realized my heart was yours that night.

You groaned slightly, a smile on your face, he was being cheesy with these hints, but his rhyming wasn't bad.

Encore -POYW -Harry Hook x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora