part 14 - comfort

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It had been a long day at work, Karens, assholes who thought just because you smiled at them you wanted to date them, and impatient people who couldn't fathom that they weren't the only people who wanted a certain cupcake.

As you unlocked your door, you spotted a dark form hunched over on the couch, it was shaking and choked sobs echoed in your ears.

"Harry?" you whispered, dropping your bag on the floor and quickly closing the door behind you, jumping over the back of the couch to sit beside your sobbing boyfriend.

"Harry what's wrong?" you whispered, trying to pry his hands away from his ears and pull him into your chest, hands rubbing his back. "baby what's wrong?" you pressed your lips to his cheek.

"i-I" he whimpered, wrapping his arms around your waist slowly "I went with Ben to the isle ta do a check up on the kids an'- an'" he sniffed, hands tightening their grip on your shirt. "I saw one of da's....clients" he stopped, hearing the click of your jaw as you clenched it, realizing what was going on.

"I get it, Harry, it's okay not to be okay, please tell me they didn't try anything?" you spoke as calmly as you could, hand drifting up to his head and running your hands through his hair.

"n-no" he coughed a little "he didn't see me, I came here as soon as I saw him, I just.....i just got so scared and...everything came back" he muttered weakly, nuzzling into your neck as he calmed down.

"good, im glad you came here, how long-" he shrugged.

"lost track of time" he muttered, pouting as you pulled away from him.

"ill be right back" you cooed as Harry continued to grip your shirt "im just getting some water for you" you gently removed his hand and walked into your kitchen.

You quickly grabbed a water bottle from your fridge and walked back into your living room, sighing as you watched harry wipe his face of dried tears.

"Stay here for tonight okay?" you muttered, handing him the water bottle and grabbing the pink fluffy blanket, wrapping it around harry and kissing his forehead.

"mmhm" he hummed, closing his eyes and smiling as you pulled away and turned on the tv.

"have we watched d3 yet?" you asked him, to which he shook his head no "alright d3 it is! I'll get some snacks okay?" he nodded and fixed the blanket around his shoulders.

As the movie started, Harry looked to you, a soft smile blooming on your face as you sang while grabbing snacks.

"I know you~ I walked with you once upon a dream~" you sang to yourself, glancing at harry from time to time, making sure he was alright.

Soon the popcorn was done and you poured it into a bowl and joined Harry on the couch, laughing slightly as Harry opened his arms and pulled you into his side, wrapping the blanket around the two of you.

"so what do you think so far?" you whispered, finally looking to the screen, it was just past good to be bad, and now the kids were being chosen.

"it's okay" harry muttered "when does uma-" you snorted.

"like 45 minutes in" harry frowned and slumped into the couch.

"really? But that's so long!" harry whined, glancing at the remote.

"well, there's...not a lot that happens before uma shows up, I'll give you a run down then we skip to you?" harry snorted and nodded.

"aye sounds good"

"Okay so ben proposes to mal, which you knew, they get the kids, hades tries to escape, Audrey steals the crown and scepter this is all in one day by the way" you chuckled as Harry whipped his head around to look at you confused

"wait Audrey stole it that early on? I thought she stole it the same day we found out?" you snorted and shook your head.

"yeah she had the scepter for like, two days before doing anything, im surprised no one thought 'hey...audreys missing and so is the scepter and crown, and she's still upset over ben, maybe we should check on her?!' but nope, everyone's focused on Mal and her problems" you ranted. Harry snorted and focused back on the screen.

"alrigh' continue" you nodded, and snapped your fingers to remember your place.

"right so then beast essentially forces mal, mal, not ben, to close the barrier and im so confused why mal had that power when all ben had to say was 'yeah not happening' and that closing the barrier forever side story would have been done right when it started but anyway, Audrey curses mal to be an old hag" harry shot up at that, eyes bright and he fumbled for the remote.

"what! Where is tha' I need ya see it!" you laughed and grabbed the remote, quickly scrolling to the scene.

"personally it's my favorite scene in the whole movie" you chuckled as you let the scene play, watching harry as Audrey appeared and started taunting mal.

"oooh burn~" he cackled, cheering as Audrey hit mal with the old hag spell "YES TAKE THAT YOU BITCH~!" you almost fell off the couch at that, holding your stomach as you laughed.

"o-okay okay so mal and the others go to the isle and the barrier dispells audreys curse and then you show up!" you skipped through more of the movie to where harry stole the bikes.

"so well just watch from here kay?" harry nodded and righted himself on the couch again, pulling you back into his arms and settled in for the rest of the movie.


"sooooo Persephone isn't in here?" he asked midway thought knight falls.

"Nope, I think that was" you muttered back, head buried into Harry's shoulder as Carlos slid on the shield to grab his sword.

"mmm" harry hummed, tossing some popcorn in his mouth, "is it weird that this seems...a lot more boring through the screen than it was in real life?"

"yeah" you laughed "when I went through it, it was so much more terrifying, I kept thinking 'don't screw up, don't screw up' cuz if I did I could have died or something"

"yeh almost did lass" harry muttered, pushing his cheek against your head "if it wasn't for Persephone tha' knight would have killed yeh"

"but It didn't" you kissed his jaw "she saved me and im still alive"

"yeah" harry muttered "that's true" he sat up a little as the scene ended and the 'ice breaker' scene began "uhhh wha's this?" he laughed raising his brow at evie.

"oh this is just something that was supposed to happen but with everything going on it didn't" you simply answered, giggling as movie evie complimented movie Harry's accent.


About an hour later you were slipping on some sweat pants and one of Harry's shirts, smiling as Harry was already asleep in your bed, curled up and snoring softly.

You were glad he felt safe enough to fall asleep that easily, especially after what happened that afternoon on the isle.

You frowned, you would have to do something about hooks "clients" you didn't know if any of them had any lingering...' feelings' towards hooks reference to harry as payment.

Maybe it would be safe for harry to stay here a couple more days, and you would visit Ben to talk about those people.

You nodded to yourself, that sounded good. You shut off your bathroom light and walked across the room to join harry.

you slid between the sheets and tossed your arm over his shoulder, resting your head between his shoulder blades.

"I love you harry hook" you muttered to yourself, smiling as Harry sleepily muttered back 'I love yeh too'

--end of part 14--

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