chapter 16

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‘Until we meet again’. What could that mean? Is he coming back soon, or going to be gone longer? What is he going to think once he does get back? No doubt Y/N and I have a closer bond than the two of them. Would he be jealous?

‘I can’t dwell on my own concerns right now, I have to focus on Y/N’

I looked at her shaking figure. She was terrified. She had no better idea of what was going to happen than I did.

I crouched down next to her and placed a hand onto her shoulder, pulling her attention to me.

“Y/N, dont focus on it, alright? When he comes back, everything will be okay. I’ll bet my life on it

She nodded and took a deep breath, placing down the note and flower, and buried her head into her hands.

I smiled softly as an interesting idea popped into my head.

“Hey, Y/N”

She hummed questingly and looked up to me.

“I want to take you somewhere. Pack a bag of all your favorite snacks and drinks, and something to do”

Y/N looked at me suspiciously but followed my instructions. I only had my sketchbook on me, so I didn’t need anything.

Once she had gathered everything, I lead her down the street, and onto a dirt path into the forest.

‘Im about to bring someone to my special spot. I never even brought Tom here’

When BEN asked me to watch Y/N, I told myself I wasn’t going to get attached or allow her to get attached to me. That plan obviously blew up. Right in my face.

Y/N will never be seen as a romantic interest by me. And vise versa. 

But even so, why do I feel the need to pull her away from BEN?

Maybe I’m just being overprotective. Its what brothers do after all.

“And we’re here” I gasped in relief as I lead Y/N through about 2-3 more trees into an open clearing.

The clearing was relatively small, But that took nothing away from its beauty. There was a small river running through the middle, keeping the grass around it healthy, and the flowers thriving.

This was my safe space. My solitude. I’ve sketched it many times, but I’ve never been able to capture its beauty.

“This is beautiful” Y/N gasped, setting down her bag.

“Enjoy it. It’s basically untouched by humans. Other than me, of course”

“Nobody else has been here?” 

“No. Just you and I”

‘And my boss’

Y/N looked shocked, to say the least. We drifted back into silence as she sat down to further enjoy the scene. I followed her movements, but instead, I lied down and enjoyed the stars.

“Hey, Helen?”

I hummed and glanced her way

“Why did you bring me here?”

I sighed and looked back to the sky.

‘Because I won’t be around much longer’

I shrugged nonchalantly.

“Because I needed to cheer you up. And nothing is more uplifting than nature.”

She smiled and stopped talking, bringing us to a much needed quiet time.

I hope when BEN comes back, Y/N will be safe. But knowing him, she probably won’t be. His mood swings… they’re just…

Out of control

Y/N wouldn’t last long in his company. It’s a miracle she’s lasted this long. He must actually like her. I’m disappointed to say that she loves him, and that is an immense about of leverage that he doesn’t even know he has. And if he loves her, then that barely makes her situation better.  

The only way this could end is in either emotional trauma or death.

‘I shouldn’t be thinking about such dark things. Not here. Not now’

I looked to Y/N to see she had fallen asleep.

“Enjoy your dreams, Y/n. Before their stolen away” I whispered, picking her up, then getting her bag.

I walked the trail to her house quickly. Hoping no neighbors were to spot me. Who knows what their simple minds where to think of if they had seen me carrying Y/N.

Long story short; nothing good.

When I entered the house, I made sure BEN wasn’t there. 

‘ i dont even want to think about the fit hed throw’

I rolled my eyes and tucked Y/N in comfortably, making sure all of her things were put away neatly.

“Goodnight, Y/N”

I walked out the door, making sure to lock it, and went on my way.

I smirked, incredibly entertained at my recent thoughts.

‘Oh, what will you do when you run out of time, dearest little sister?’

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