Chapter 12

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I unlocked the front door and stepped in incautiously. Nobodys here so, why bother being quiet?

I kicked off my shoes by the door and walked back to that bookshelf in the corner.

‘Has she noticed yet?’

I pulled out the photo album, noticing my surprise sitting there untouched.


I was somewhat disappointed, but I guess a surprise is best when forgotten about.

Flipping open the book and stopping on the most recent picture, I quickly took notice of all the marks on Y/N.

I studied her father. His stance, his appearance, his fist.

Her father’s fist had a purple, almost black bruise on it. Like he had punched a wall a bit too hard. Or a person.

‘Is he abusive?’

It does make sense when you look at it. Y/N flinches at the smallest of sounds, doesn’t react well at all to yelling, or an aggressive tone, and she allows herself to be pushed around.

But, I can’t make the final decision unless I know for sure. A few behavior habits and a picture is not enough evidence.

I put the book back and left for Y/Ns room. Once I was in there, I turned on the light and began to search her bookshelves for another photo album, or maybe if I’m lucky enough, a diary.

Shakespeare, Nicholas sparks, various mangas, and even a few books on alchemy, but nothing I was looking for.

I threw myself on the floor, looking for anything underneath her bed or dresser. Again, nothing.

‘Nothing? Nothing at all??’

I was interrupted by vibrating.


A big goofy smile spread across my face.

‘Did she forget her phone?!’ 

I jumped up and ran into the kitchen. Sitting on the counter, there it was. The holy grail. The one thing that could end my entire search with a bang.

The idiot’s cellphone.

I picked it up and swiped on the screen, unlocking the phone immediately.

‘What dumbass keeps their phone unlocked?’

There was nothing suspicious on her phone. No concerning pictures, no posts. Almost too perfect.

‘She must delete things often’

The phone vibrated once again, as a notification illuminated the screen.

It was a message from someone under  ‘dad’

‘Perfect timing, sir’

DAD: Hows my house doing? You haven’t burned it down yet, have you?

BEN: the house is doing fine

DAD: Arent you supposed to be in school? Dont tell me your skipping?

BEN: no, we just had a break

DAD: Well get your ass off your godamn phone and study. I want you out of the house ASAP

‘Guess that ends the investigation. He is abusive after all’

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