chapter 11

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“Y/N! Wake the fuck up!!” I yelled, getting extremely pissed off.

I’ve been yelling at her for the last 10 minutes and nothing! She just won’t wake up.

I sighed deeply and internally apologized for my following actions.

“I really didn’t want to do this…” 

I took a deep breath, and deepened my voice, just enough to vaguely resemble her fathers, and yelled;

“Y/N wake your emo ass up!”

I honestly dont know the full story behind her relationship with her dad, I only know that it was somewhat abusive. Hell, it would have to be for this stunt to work. And it sure as hell worked.

Y/N shot up, instantly awake.

“Sorry, dad!” she cried, visibly flinching. Almost as if she was bracing for impact.

‘Is her father that bad?’

“Oi, you’re fine, it’s just me” I huffed, holding out my arms.

She immediately threw herself at me, making me fall back on the bed. She was laying on my chest, hugging my figure as she cried.

It wasn’t an ugly or loud cry at all. She was almost dead silent, with the exception of a little sniffle here and there.

“It’s okay, I’m here” I cooed. I remember having to do this for Taya. 

I smiled gently and sat up, cradling Y/N in my arms like a small child.

“Now, we’ve had our moment, time to get our lazy asses up so you can get to school” I chuckled, making Y/N giggle in response.

‘Damn I’m good’

“Gahhh I dont wanna” she whined, letting go and getting up.

I copied her actions and walked to the door.

“Get dressed and grabbed your shit so we can get some breakfast”

She nodded, and I walked out of the door, leaving her to do her business.

Luckily for me, I was able to grab a few outfits out of Kevin’s closet, so I also have a pretty big wardrobe. I picked up a Black T-shirt with a Navi decal on it, matching it with some black jeans and combat boots. I got dressed then switched into my human form.

“Faaaaaack” I groaned, searching for my pack of baby wipes. Yes, I know its weird, but they wash off the blood a bit easier and make it easy to maintain my human skin.

“Y/N! Have you seen my baby wipes?” I called down the hall, leaning out of the bathroom door.

A quiet snort could be heard as she responded. 

“Check the medicine cabinet, I think I put them there.” She called back

“Where the fuck is the medicine cabinet??’’

A full-blown laugh sounded off

“Open the mirror dumbass!”

I stood there dumbfounded.


She walked out of her room half-dressed, walked into the bathroom, and moved the mirror. Revealing medical wraps, various medicines and, two packs of baby wipes.


“Yea, ‘oh’. How could you not know?’’ she asked, walking back down the hall

“I dont fucking know! Maybe because I dont need to clean out a mirror to put useless shit in” I huffed, a bit pouty, and began to clean my face.

‘She didn’t have a shirt on’

I froze in my tracks.

‘She wore a black lace bra’

I could feel the blood rushing through my face, trying desperately to push those thoughts away.

It almost worked.

But she popped back in, still, no shirt.

“Medicine is not useless” She pouted, then walked away.

Blood immediately gushed out of my eyes and nose, making the original job much harder.



“Lets gooooooo” I whined, leaning on the door

“Calm your tits, BEN. You dont even have to go” She grumbled, slinging her bag over her shoulder

“Well I WAS gonna get food, but now we can’t because you’re slow as hell, now, I just need some air”

Y/N chuckled and pushed me off the door.

“Alright drama queen, let’s go then”

I got up and walked outside, watching intently as she locked the door. 

I made sure her shackles were working before I woke her up. Can’t have her disconnecting, can we? I’ve noticed her acting more hesitant than usual this morning too. It seemed like she was trying to prolong the inevitable. 

‘Whatever. As long as she’s gone long enough for me to look around, it doesn’t matter.’

“Were here” she mumbled, turning to face me.

“Oh. we are. I’ll see you when you get home, alright?”

She sighed and turned away, beginning to walk into the school.

A devilish smirk played across my lips, as I sent a 5-volt shock through the shackles.

Y/N gasped, and dropped to the ground, cradling her arms.

“One more thing”

I crouched down to her level and pulled her face to mine.

“No boys. Understand?”

She nodded, fear apparent in her eyes.

“You already have a man” 

I got up and began to walk away, leaving her on the ground, shaking ever so slightly. Thank god nobody was around, but, it’s not like anyone would have cared anyway. You see, that’s the fun part.

‘There’s nobody to stop me’

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