"No, I was taking classes elsewhere."

"Basically," Dr. Market said, looking bored. "Max Taylor got abducted by aliens and came back carrying their progeny. The whole town turned their back on him and his parents. None of the doctors wanted to touch him or do any type of testing. So, David was called to see if he would be willing to do so. It was an interesting subject, so he agreed and asked me to come along as well since the whole incident has to do with aliens."

Mr. Holt looked very confused but Mrs. Holt just shook her head.

"Never mind about all of that. Mars and two other boys were taken by aliens towards the beginning of the year and were found abandoned in the mountains with nothing but their clothes. From what I gathered, they crashed into the forest in a shuttle and were trying to find their way down and out."

"I see..."

"They sent us to you because we were on an alien ship." I said dryly. "Basically, it's the same thing as before."

"Oh... um... well..."

"I just want to have my son looked at properly and get him home." Mr. Holt said.

"No problem. Right this way. Uh, India, could you take Max?"

I looked over at Dr. Market as she motioned for me to follow her. I watched Mars leave the waiting area and then followed her to one of the back rooms.


"So, you're the real Max Taylor? Are you sure that Max didn't really come back and they are making you think that you're the real Max but you're actually a clone?"

"No, I'm real... God, it's so annoying having to say that all the friggin time."

"I can understand. Will you allow me a blood sample? I'd like to compare it to what I have here and see if it matches. If it doesn't, then I'll have to do some digging. Have you contacted Max's parents?"

"Yeah but... I mean... I died so, my mom thought it was a cruel prank and got mad at me." I coughed again. "Do you have some water?"

Dr. Market nodded and got me a glass of water.

"Well, did you expect something different?"

"I kind of expected her to come down and at least check it out... I mean... if someone told me my dead son came back to life and was in the hospital, I'd want to check... It's not like I was cremated... Right?" Oh, god, if I was cremated then that would make so much more sense...

"No, Max wasn't cremated. But Max's parents were devastated when he died. Not only did he just die with no explanation, his child was taken away as well. They had nothing to keep of their son, not even the child he had endured ridicule for. They took his death very hard."

"Don't talk about me like I'm not here."

"I'm sorry, but I can't say you're really Max until I can prove it. To us, you died and you were buried almost a year ago. I know it's frustrating and insulting, but you have to understand."

"I do understand. I watched my parents go through this over and over with me when I couldn't tell if they were real or not. I get why they are acting this way and why you're acting this way... That's why I haven't broke down sobbing yet, but I'm getting pretty close to it. Everything has been fucking shit since I went to get those fucking chips."

Dr. Market smiled a little and put a tourniquet around my arm so she could get a blood sample.

"If I can prove that you're the real Max Taylor, I will try to convince Max's parents that you really are him. In the meantime, you can stay here with David and I."

The Oddities of Grand Marquis - Book 3: Elegant Armageddon 🪼✔️Where stories live. Discover now