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this is a very long chapter.



I pulled a soda from the pack and pulled the tab open. Geneva pulled out some spices and I stopped, recognizing the smell. I turned and walked over to her.

"Are you making what I think you're making?"

She winced and turned to me with an almost apologetic look.

"I know it's a bit of a sore spot but... after all the activity that happened and seeing him, I just... Comfort?"

I watched the pot as it bubbled and sighed.

"What kind of beer are you putting in?"

"The one I always put in... the one that... that makes it special."

I nodded and kissed her cheek. "Don't do anything different. Keep it the same."

"I've never changed it and I never will... especially after the incident."

I nodded again and went to sit down when I heard a knock at the door. I made a face and looked at the time. It was practically going into the middle of the night. Geneva looked at me in confusion.

"You expecting someone?"

"No, you?" She shook her head. "I'll go see who it is then..."

I walked to the door and looked through the peephole. I made a face... he looked familiar... I opened the door and he turned to me. I blinked at him as he stared at me in what looked like awe. He looked really familiar...

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Um... Hi..." he said with an awkward wave.

"Hi... You have some business here?"

"Um... well... I'm..." He breathed in deeply and straightened up. "I'm Kasai."

I stared at this young man and just sighed. This was becoming a thorn in my side.

"I'm so tired of this bullshit." I growled, shutting the door.

"Wait!" He yelled, but I shut the door on him.

I stood behind the door, wanting to just grab something and kill all these horrible people. We have suffered enough!

"I think seeing me like this might help your case." I heard someone else say on the other side of the door.

"See? You *are nice."

"Shut up; stand behind me."

There was another knock on the door and Geneva came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on the towel.


"Hold on a minute. I going to nip this in the bud, *now."

I opened the door again but this time there was another kid there with red hair staring up at me. I made a face.

"What the hell is wrong with you people? They're sending kids now?"

"Hey, Mr. Taylor, I'm Dawaen Cyrio... Tyler Cyrio's son?"

Tyler Cyrio... where did I know that name? Oh yeah, the weather guy.

"Oh." Wait, wasn't he one of the ones who was missing along with Mars? I looked down and saw his massive stomach and it actually took me by surprise. "Oh! Wow..."

"Yeah... um..." He seemed embarrassed and looked away. It looked like the other kid nudged him from behind. "Oh, right. I know this is odd and confusing but I need you to hear this kid out. I'm... the one who beat up Max."

The Oddities of Grand Marquis - Book 3: Elegant Armageddon 🪼✔️Where stories live. Discover now