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"Good morning!" Grandma cheered me as I stamped in the kitchen and took my seat alongside Jisoo and Rose who are busy striving over pancakes which grandma is cooking-and it smelling delicious.

"Good morning grandma!" I smiled, sneakily dig my fork in the pancake, and beamed when no one noticed because Jisoo and Rose are too much busy with their bickering. The sweet flavor of honey relinquished my taste buds and-

"My gosh, granny it's so good!" I goshed and swigged when Jisoo and Rose penetrated a bulleted glare at me.


"I know, my pancakes are the impetus behind my successful married life" she winked and I'm jovial that I found a way to avoid Jisoo and Rose's glare as I ignited a erratic talk with grandma.

"Where is Yuri?" Rose asked after we filled our stomachs with pancakes.

"Yup, where is she, she's your roomie Y/n" I choked, yes; I'm sharing a room with Yuri. And I almost neglect that- I hate sharing room- I was somewhat comfortable on sharing room with Jisoo as she is my old friend and she knows my falls oversleep- but this girl Yuri insisted and my, my she is so stubborn.

"I didn't saw her since morning" I muttered.

"Oh, I can guess, Jisoo and I was so tired that seeing the bed we just jumped and I didn't even bother to change into pajamas and-I can't believe that I didn't even post my goodnight pic on Instagram. Duh," Rose stated, in a purely unbelievable way, and Jisoo, grandma, and I offered her a blank stare.

But then Jisoo swigged her face at me and smirked.

I know what she is going in her devious thick empty head.

"Um...where are boys?" but I changed the topic and ignored the way Jisoo's smirk evolved into a big mouth grin.

"The boys? Do you mean the four monkeys? They are sleeping their asses off." Grandma replied tearing off her apron, "No food for them" she announced and Rose flashed her selfish smile.

"#Savagegranny! I like it" Rose tugged out her iPhone and shot a hash-tag 'savage granny' selfie with her.

"Did they travel all the way here to sleep their ass off?" Jisoo commented, "Let's get them off the bed, shall we?" she wink and- I had no choice over that as Rose didn't agree and made a jaded face.

So, I have to go with the Jisoo, or else she'd drag me anyway- so better just go on with your own two legs.

Naamjoon and Jin are sharing one room together, on the other hand, Jimin and Taehyung are sharing the other room.

Of course like you guys already know, Jisoo will take over Jin's room, and definetly she had to push me into the across the room of Tae-Jimin,

I stumbled into the room---

Clothes scattered all over the room, the room is rumpled like an earth-ending earth-quake had just tripled the room.

Umm...but where are the owners of the room?

Mr. Kim Taehyung, dumb-rude-irritating-son-of-the-most-successful-trillionaire.


Mr. Park Jimin, handsome-kind-funny-charming-friendly-cute-popular-best-surgeon.

Both are nowhere around my sight of vision.

I did a small happy dance.

Yay! They aren't here.

Means- No more heart-skipping and rapid-heart-thumping.

What?! It's difficult to stay around attractive-glorious men.

KTH || PJM: Ƭωιℓιgнτ'ѕ ʂҽcɾҽԵOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz