#Lake placid & so much more

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"You are quite...heavy for your size" I heard Taehyung groan from under me and- for a trice I lost my senses and cracked my eyes wide to glare and roar at him.

"I'M HEAVY? I WEIGH ONLY 48KG WHICH IS AN APPROPRIATE WEIGHT FOR A 19-YEAR-OLD GIRL!" I took a deep breath after my ultimate shouting- then I got my senses back and- really- my eyes deluded as they inhaled Taehyung's face, my hands on his bare chest, I'm all over his naked body? 

TOWLE- where is the towel?

"Don't worry! That area is safeguarded with the towel" Taehyung, smirked- and why does he have to say that?

-my cheeks burned-

 and my new gotten-back senses familiarized me with the 3 best ways to deal with this delicate situation.

1. Yell.

2. Shout.

3. Scream.

-and just as I was concerned to follow this all ways but a big hand fastener over my mouth silencing me.

"Shiii- You like screaming and shouting too much, why don't you join the opera? Now. Don't. Scream. Do you want everyone to see us like this?" Taehyung hissed, in an annoying commanding, dominating way that- I really don't appreciate being used with me.

So, I bite his hand.

He screamed- really very loud.

I grinned.

"Likewise" I snapped and he pushed me down from him and started nursing his bitted hand.

"You are no human, tell me honestly are you a vampire?" Taehyung muttered, and why am I still here? He is oh, my goodness gracious naked!

And fortunately-wait UNFORTUNATELY the towel is not ingesting any help either.

"You wish" I replied- my voice come out squished. Hastily I stood up and made my way to the door when Taehyung pulled my hand and I loosed my balanced again when my leg slipped.

God, I'm losing too much balance today- I gotta recharge myself soon.

Okay, that was lame.

And just to prevent me from falling again- my hand folded over the faucet of shower and-

Just as lucky I'm today.

The cold water droplets roused dancing down on me.

Taehyung laughed out loud and I have an intense desire to squeeze his neck.

"I got you wet" he smirked, and standing and fixing his towel he tugged a strand of now my wet hair, and cupped my cheek with his right hand.

"Y/n? Taehyung?" I flinched back and strangled into the wall when I heard a soft whispered voice of someone other than us- Taehyung frowned, and swilled his eyes onto the wide-open door, I followed him and moved my iris via the door where I met a blank-dumbfounded-stiffened-Jimin.

A minute of silence passed.

Then seems like recovering from the shock and accepting that this is the damn unexpected reality Jimin raised his left eyebrow "Oh, this is a capturing material" he held out his phone-

"Jimin! It's not what it looks like" I welled the words at him and smiled a sweet smile which at this embarrassing moment I somehow managed,

"Jimin you jerk. You tower thief how dare-..."

"Taehyung aish, I'm disappointed you even got the towel"

I finally exited their room.

Sighed in relief.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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