#Dog fights

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I pity Jin and I pity Jisoo a lot than Jin. Poor Jisoo, Jin is puking his lungs out every 5 minutes, and Jisoo; is exhausted from soothing and apologizing to him. Jin and Jisoo aren't even able to enjoy I feel bad for them they are the mood makers and without them, everything is still. They aren't coming out of their cabin and Jin is not enabling us inside either.

"Taehyung, that group is seeming quite nice," Jimin says tending to a girl group room next to us, Taehyung looks over at them and shakes his head then takes my hand in his,

"I'm comfortable here," he says with knowing smile and I seize my hand from his.

"Oh, just you wait," Jimin says and Yuri grimaces at him,

"Why going there? See I think Rose and you will look fabulous together" I giggle and turn to Rose she is scrolling her Twitter not fretting about the conversation, Jimin looks sideways at Rose and jeers "She isn't my type"

Rose thrashes her head at Jimin and digs her long nails in his waist jerking Jimin up from his seat, "You aren't of my type too, bloody cardiologist"

"You don't dare to mock my profession, damnation I'm not seating between these girls always harassing me, Y/n I want to be with you," He says and looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

"No place for you," Taehyung responds coldly,

Naamjoon is asleep furthermore his head falls on my shoulder. He looks so good asleep his dimple flexing adorably, I didn't shove him, not wanting to wake him from his peaceful slumber.

"Well, she is stuck with two young Kim brothers no place for you Jimin" Rose gibes,

"Jimin find a girl quickly or your parents will force me into marriage with you," Yuri says flatly,

"WHAT?" Jimin yells waking Naamjoon, he snuggles into my shoulder causing electricity to run all over me. But then he notices what it is and with wide eyes, he stares at me, I stare at him and he coughs hard, I pat his back.

"I-I'm fine," he says and then looks at me "I'm sorry"

"Uhh-NO," I say out loud stealing all attention to me "that's fine"

"Yes! Your parents will marry me, you know they are planning this since we were born on the same day" Yuri says and Jimin gulps

"Your birthday comes on the same day?" Rose and I ask in conjunction,

"Yes, my mom and her mom are besties and they both married the besties...I mean mine and her father were also best friends and they married mutually and they had kids also together on the same day...and they want this friendship chain to turn into a relationship," Jimin relates

"Wow" we all exclaim except Taehyung, he probably knows these,

"Ohkay, if you both know each other this well then why problem in marrying?" I ask to Jimin and Yuri.

"THAT'S THE REASON WE KNOW EACH OTHER TO WELL" they both lament in unison.

"Y/n marrying someone who we don't love is the biggest mistake and knowing someone and loving someone are two distinct things," Naamjoon states.

"True" Yuri and Jimin nods,

"So...what kind of companion you both want?" Rose asks, Taehyung is quitely staring out of the glass.

"I want someone simple and spiritually beautiful...like the girl seating across from me" Jimin winks at me, "Oh...thanks for the compliment," I say sarcastically.

"Always" Jimin chimes.

"And you?" Naamjoon ask Yuri.

"I?...someone who speaks less and listens to my blabber, handsome, calmed personality, smart, dashing and the one who always takes right decisions..." Yuri says and everyone's eyes focus on Naamjoon who is red.

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