' What?! ' she hissed. 

' Open your window! ' he hissed back at her. Dara stood up quickly upon hearing what he said, she went to her window and slid the cutain. And viola, the mighty G is really there standing in front of her window. ' Open your window, ' he ordered once more. Dara rolled her eyes but none the less obeyed him as she open the window. Upon opening it Jiyong quickly jump inside her room. 

' What are you doing here? How did you escape the roaming teachers? ' Dara whispered at him angrily. ' In case you forgot your boyfriend is the perfect Kwon Jiyong, ' he smirked arrogantly at her. ' Enough with that, get dress, ' he added while whispering also. 

' And why would I do that? ' she countered at him, he just rolled his eyes he can feel a long bickering ahead before she obey him. ' Just do it before I decided to do you ' he smirked at her which made her flinched. ' Fuck you, ' she hissed as she quickly pull a black skinny jeans, white shirt and a jacket at her bag and grumpily proceed to the bathroom. Jiyong just chuckled at her.


After almost 20 minutes of steathily escaping the dorm they finally arrived at the near bus stop where they took a bus. Dara didn't bother to ask him of what he's planning she could careless beside whether she knew it or not it will not stop him from doing what he wanted. He's like her in that way. No, perhaps he's twice as stubborn as her.

I'm genius and he's genius. We have one thing in common. I'm good at fighting he's good at fighting, even better than me. Now we have two things in common. He's stubborn and I'm stubborn, that makes three things in common. 

Somehow, I feel like we're less opposite. 

Dara just shook her head as she leaned her back completely at her seat as her eyes wander outside the window while she can feel how her boyfriend who was sitting next to her ofcourse, play with both of their hands. Somehow she's starting to be used by that hobby of him, which playing with their hands whenever they're holding each other's hand, scratch that, while he's holding her hand. She even find it comfortable now a days. 

After half hour passed they both get off the bus and started some short walk until they reached their, err, his destination.

' Wow, ' she breathed out honestly as she saw the lighthouse in front of her. ' Can we go up? ' she asked enthusiastically. She always dreamed of climbing up a lighthouse. ' Ofcourse, ' he smiled at her as he pull her towards the lighthouse.

' Wow the sea is so cool! This is so cool! ' she exclaimed as she spread her arms and welcome all the breeze. Jiyong smiled at her, he was glad he manage to drag her here. More than that he's happy that she made her this happy. 

She's so innocent, so simple-minded. I love that side of her.


' Where are we going now? ' Dara asked Jiyong who was pulling her. After they stayed in the lighthouse for almost half hour, here he goes again pulling her. ' You'll see soon, ' he answered timidly with a grin which earned nothing but a hiss and roll of eyes.

They arrived at a huge park. ' Seriously? Are you imitating the dramas that they play on the tv? ' Dara hissed at him. ' Wah! I'm already busted this fast? ' he laughed heartly as he pinched her cheek lightly. ' Moron! ' she snorted and seconds after that she started laughing with him. ' I can't believe your that desperate! ' Dara added. ' I thought it will be nice you know, ' he answered as the both started walking with his fingers laced with hers. 

Though they are in the park in the middle of the night, the park is not that boring infact its in its liveliest state. There are food and clothes bazaar, there are gaming booths. Basically its like a festival is being held.

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