Fifty two

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chapter fifty-two | one secret message

"So before we move, I need to warn you that Minho knows every move that you have so we need to be really careful. One wrong move could be fatal. The last thing we will need is for this plan to blow up to our faces." Hyunseung started sipping from his cup of tea. "Hmm, darjeeling..." he inhaled its aroma and they rolled their eyes.

"Dude, focus. Focus." Seungri said in frustration before slapping his hand against his forehead then running it over his face.

Hyunseung chuckled. "I hate tension," he shrugged. "So as I was saying, no matter the outcome of this we all need to seem not eager to it. Nothing should change. You all should still hate us. Kwon should still looked like he wanted to murder Minho every time. You know those kind of stuffs."

"That's easy," Youngbae waved his hand and they allowed themselves for a small laugh.

"I will be taking care of Sanghyun and Mr. Yang. I have already thought of my moves. I'll be leaving you Kwon on your own against your butler. While the rest of you will be in charged of Mr. and Mrs. Park." Hyunseung seriously said. They all gave a nod. "Again, move as discreetly as possible. After all, Minho is still holding Dara." A silence over took them. Hyunseung pushed himself up grabbing one folder on the nearby shelf. He placed it down the center table. "Sign this," he slumped himself on the chair.

TOP sharply looked at him. "Sign? Wait, how can you be sure that we can trust you?" He looked at him suspiciously. Hyunseung gave him a what the fuck look.

"For fuck's sake, I am throwing my life on the line here to help you and you are telling me that bullshit? You can't be serious." He rolled his eyes before burying his face on his palm. "Sign that Kwon, that's a marriage contract, certificate or whatever. You are eighteen right? That's the back up plan," he sighed.

"The back up plan?" they all asked in confusion as Hyunseung just gave them an overly arrogant smirk.


Tonight, she will do it. There was clearly only one way to stop him and she was prepared to do it. Tonight, she will try to tell her father about Lee Minho's plan. She will tell him everything in order to stop him.

Preparing cookies and his favorite tea, Dara anxiously brought it to Hyunsuk's office. She willed herself that fake smile to hide her nervousness and she talked to herself, practicing every word that she will say. Taking a deep breathed in, she landed a knock on the wooden door of his office before pushing it open.

Minho warned her before. He told her that he knew every move she makes, every word she utters. But he couldn't know all of it, could he? She knew she was taking such huge risk. She even asked herself will it be worth it but all she wanted to do was to stop him before he successfully bring the destruction he promised.

"Dara, sweetheart," Hyunsuk smiled seeing his daughter came in with a tray that carries sweet oatmeal cookies and his favorite tea. Dara smiled sweetly. "Why still work when we are filthy rich?"Hyunsuk laughed at her statement. "Well,"Hyunsuk shrugged taking ample sip on his cup of tea.

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