Forty five

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chapter forty-five | hangover

‘Ouch!’ Dara whined as she pushed Hyunseung away from her who was laughing like an idiot. She glared at him. ‘What the fuck did you just do?!’ she scowled at him. ‘Damn are you planning to remove my scalp?! Why the hell did you need to pull my hair huh!?’ she shouted hissing.

Unnie run away from that red haired mofo! He’s out to do something evil!!

Hyunseung just kept on laughing. ‘Well you’re being really dramatic and it is disgusting me so I have to knock some senses in you,’ he grinned at her. Well I will not argue with this you are being dramatic and such unnie.

Hyunseung quickly received a strong kick on his leg as he winced out in pain rubbing his leg. Serves you right you red haired mofo. Stop asking what’s mofo is, I don’t have any idea either I just picked that out from my old notebooks. Now I wonder where did I got that… err, back to the story.   

‘HOMYGAHD!!’ Dara shouted as she saw Hyunseung hand gripping strands of her hair. And when I say strands, I mean STRANDS with capital S on the end part. ‘Yah! Are you planning to get me bald!!??’ she shouted as she quickly went to snatch her hair on his grip but he was able to flee away from her attack. ‘Yah! This is mine you go get your own hair strands,’ Hyunseung said pushing her away from him while hiding the hair strands on his pocket. And yes people he is a creep!!

‘You’re creeping me!!’ Dara shouted in disgust as she glared at Hyunseung who just stuck his tongue at her. ‘Are you a gay or a witch?’ Dara spat staring at him from head to toe. Hyunseung just batted his lashes as he clasped his hands together while lifting one foot off the ground.  ‘Geez,’ Hyunseung shyly said as he gently tucked his hair behind his ears as Dara stared at him in disgust and was about to vomit in any seconds. ‘I was planning to hide it from you and I was just caught, ahmmp!’ he added with some forced aegyo that is practically begging for you to land your mega super hyper ultimate flying kick straight to his annoying face.

‘You’re disgusting!’ Dara breathed out exasperatedly as she soon broke into laughter holding her stomach. Hyunseung smiled at her as he ruffled her hair making Dara stepped backward in defense as she raised her hands. Hyunseung laughed. ‘I will not pull your hair anymore promise,’ he said still laughing.

Yeah right you will not pull her hair anymore since you already got what you needed. Psh.

‘You know what let’s just eat lunch,’ he said as he draped his arm over her shoulder acting really really close to Dara. Hands off red haired mofo! Dara just rolled her eyes. ‘So where is the cafeteria?’ he asked. ‘I don’t eat in cafeteria,’ Dara answered making him stared at him in confusion. ‘I can’t afford it okay,’ Dara added irritated. ‘Damn, rich bastard,’ she hissed.

‘So where do you eat? You have packed lunch?’ Hyunseung asked. ‘Packed lunch does really exist? I thought television just invented that shizz,’

Dara rolled his eyes. ‘Rich bastard,’ she mumbled as she pushed Hyunseung’s arm off her shoulder and started walking with him quickly following her.

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