An Impending Threat

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Izuku Midoriya awoke to find himself infront of Kurama's cage.

Midoriya: Kurama?

Kurama: Hey kit

Midoriya: What happened?

Kurama: You lost control. You tried to use too much of my chakra. You managed to project yourself into sage mode, thus leaving me to attempt to control the cloak.

Midoriya: how did we get out of the cloak?

Kurama: you and I worked together and managed to suppress my chakra with the remaining sage mode chakra.

Midoriya: did we win?

Kurama smirked.

Kurama: yeah kit, we won. Anyway, you've been passed out for a week.

Midoriya: WHAT?!

Kurama: Oh boo-hoo, I didn't exist for thousands of years! Get over yourself!

Midoriya: ok-ok. So why am I here?

Kurama: what do you mean?

Midoriya: why am I in my mind scape and not the physical world?

Kurama: Its complicated, but up until now you and I were the only beings with chakra in existence. Now, I'm sensing the chakra of the Shukaku.

Midoriya: what's the Shukaku?

Kurama: the Shukaku is the one tailed beast

Midoriya was taken aback

Midoriya: I thought you were the only tailed beast.

Kurama: I was until the Shukaku reincarnated.

Midoriya: how many tailed beasts are there?

Kurama: there are 9 tailed beasts in total, but only two are alive right now.

Midoriya: ok, so what is going to happen?

Kurama: we are going to fight him

Midoriya: WHAT?!

Kurama: we are going to fight him

Midoriya: WHY?! If your half as strong as you claim, me fighting him is suicidal.

Kurama: relax, I'm nine times as strong Shukaku

Midoriya: fine then you fight him

Kurama: YOU BRAT!

Kurama took a deep sigh

Kurama: If you don't stop him, slowly but surely he will turn the entire world into desert and wipe out the entire human race.

Midoriya was surprised

Kurama: About two weeks

Midoriya: fine, where is the Shukaku?

Kurama: I believe you humans call it the Sahara desert.

Midoriya: I should have 2 weeks to train right?

Kurama: yes and I want you to improve your Rasengan.

Midoriya: why? You said it was around Minato's level.

Kurama: it is, but it will need to get much stronger for you to use it on the Shukaku. I want you to learn the Giant Rasengan.

Midoriya: someone's super descriptive with names.

Kurama: do I even need to explain this one, or?

Midoriya: No, let me just ask. What was the second one?

Kurama: finish learning the giant Rasengan and then you can learn that.

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