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Everyone was effected by the events of combat training differently. AllMight was sleeping on the couch... Again. Midoriya doubled his training regimen. Midoriya had also started to cry himself to sleep at night. Midoriya was extremely saddened by his "father's" inability to answer his simple question. Midoriya knew that 99% of parents would answer that question correctly without second thought. He was extremely upset, because if AllMight had answered the question correctly, Midoriya would have let them back into his life. Of course he wouldn't do it all at once. But he had been willing to give them a chance, despite everything they had done. But when AllMight couldn't tell him when his birthday was, it became apparent to Midoriya that his parents only wanted him to forgive them and come into their lives too relieve the guilt they felt. Or did they? That was the question that was plaguing Midoriya at night. Midoriya even tried to sleep too escape the thoughts that were hovering over his mind like a dark cloud. But alas, it was no use. Even in his sleep he dreamed about the question. Midoriya was also saddened because he felt like he was alone.

But we'll get back to that later.

Bakugou on the other hand had some serious thinking to do. He had seen how Midoriya had coated himself in the lighting and how much stronger it had made him. Then Bakugou thought about how AllMight used One For All throughout his entire body to create his muscle form. Bakugou then put 2 and 2 together and figured out how to use One For All. He named the technique "One For All, Complete Ignition" the first time he tried to use it, he used all 100% of one for all everywhere. Every atom in Bakugou's body suffered the recoil of One For All.

It took Recovery girl and Midoriya a week to heal him. Midoriya and Recovery girl became good friends. Recovery girl had decided that Bakugo was the worst and that she would heal all of the least important parts of him first, just to piss him off. As soon as Midoriya heard the plan from recovery girl he ecstatically agreed. That was where the friendship began. At first they worked on stuff like the shin area of his left leg, his right bicep, etc. But they saved his dick for last for a multitude of reasons.
1. He couldn't control his urination, so he wet the bed often (like the child he is). Sometimes he would sit there for hours soaking in his own urine. Because Recovery girl had other work and Midoriya had classes. And also because they thought he deserved it.

Someone found out that this was happening to Bakugou and he is now refered to around the school as "The Potty Training Pomeranian".

But that's besides the point.

2. It was a matter of pride for the boy (not that there is much to be proud of).

3. He felt very uncomfortable not being able to feel downstairs (anything other than pain that is)

After Bakugou's week in the infirmary. The class was heading to lunch. Everything was calm until a loud alarm blared. Everyone was panicking until Midoriya took control.


After everyone saw the press they were ashamed of their panicking.

Midoriya: let's just finish our lunches alright?

After that everyone finished lunch and headed back to their classes.

Aizawa: Today you will be picking a class president. I don't care how you do it just pick a class president and vice president. Don't wake me up until you've chosen

Aizawa then became a caterpillar and went to sleep. After that the class exploded in noise.

Mina: PICK ME!

Jiro: I'm definitely the person for the job

Iida: everyone please calm down!

Kirishima: you definitely want me as your president!

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