Me and Madame Pomfrey looked at each other before she asked him a question next.

"And how many times a day does Dudley eat?"

He thought again before looking back at her.

"3 times. But Uncle Vernon says I can't eat that much unless I'm the one cooking the food. Sometimes, he doesn't let me eat until my tummy starts to hurt a lot and my eyes start to see funny..." He said, holding his stomach at the last part.

I felt my blood boil, so I picked up the boy and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that." I said, and I gave him one last squeeze before putting him back down.

"Thank you for telling me that Mr.Pott- I mean Harry." Madame Pomfrey said, writing it all down on a piece of parchment nearby.

"Now, can you tell me what your rooms like? Or how do your aunt and Dudley treat you?" She asked, but Harry got quiet and started to cry.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, picking him up and sitting him in my lap.

"I-Its 'cause A-Aunt Petunia g-gives me punishments i-if I'm bad, a-and if she knows I-Im here I'll get a p-punishment."

I rubbed circles into his back and layed his head to rest on my shoulder.

"Is Aunt Petunia like your Uncle?" I asked, and I felt my heart drop when he nodded his head.

I gulped and prepared myself for his next answer.

"Are they all like that?" I asked, and was furious but not suprised when he gave a quiet yes.

Madame Pomfrey gave him a sad look before writing everything he had said down.

"Well, can you tell me what your rooms like? Like, what toys do you have in it?" She asked, her hand hovering over the piece of parchment paper, ready to write.

"Umm, I don't have any toys, except for the little soldiers I found in my room." He said, wiping the snot from his nose with the back of his hand.

"Oh? And wheres your room?" She asked, getting up to sit beside me.

He lifted his face from my shoulder and looked over at her.

"Its under the stairs.." He said, pursing his lips together and furowing his eyebrows upward.

"Under the stairs?" She asked.

He nodded his head and began to spread his arms out.

"My rooms this big." He said.

Me and Madame Pomfrey looked at each other in suprise. His arms had spread out as far as they could, wich wasn't very far at all.

He looked at us both frantically before his lips began to tremble.

"D-Don't tell anyone I told you though. Aunt P-Petunia and Uncle Vernon said i-if anyone finds out, I would get the biggest p-punishment ever."

I brought his head up to mine and I gave him a loving kiss on the forehead.

"Hey Harry?" I asked.

He looked at me with his tierd little eyes, and I gave him a soft smile.

No child should ever go through that, especially not my Harry.

"How would you like to live with me from now on?" I asked, wiping his tears and giving him a grin.

He began to cry even harder, a few hiccups escaping.

"Mhmm! I-I wanna l-live w-with Draco!" He cried, and I held him in my arms even tighter.

"Wait a minute!" Madame Pomfrey exlaimed, standing up abrubtley. "You can't just decide that on your own! We still need to make sure theres nothing wrong with him, a-and, and-"

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