New Home

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Chapter 3

*Draco POV*

I walked into the giant infirmary, following close behind Proffeser Snape.

There was nobody there getting treated, thankfully, so we had the place to ourselves.

"Madame Pomfrey!" Snape called, and not long after the woman came rushing around the corner.

"What is it now- Oh heavens! What happened?!" She yelled apon seeing Harry.

"An accident in potions..." I mumbled.

"Well don't just stand there! Mr.Malfoy, will you take the boy to one of the beds please, I'll need to grab a few potions from my office. Oh, and Snape, please go alert Dumbledore." She asked, scurrying off into her office.

"I'll be back shortly." Snape anounced before walking out of the room.

I looked for one of the beds that looked more secluded, since little Harry didn't seem to like open or bright spaces.

After choosing a bed to the farthest corner of the room, I sat the boy down and plopped down next to him.

"Umm... Draco, why are we here?" He asked quietly.

"Well, everyone is worried about you, so we're just making sure you're not hurt or anything. If were lucky, they might have a way to turn you back to normal." I told him, and he looked confused when I said 'back to normal'.

"Back to normal?" He asked.

Shit...How do I explain this?

"Well, you see-" I began, but before I could tell him, Madame Pomfrey came up to us with her wand and a couple of potions.

"Okay dear, I'm gonna use a small spell on you, but I promise it won't hurt a bit." She said, reaching out a gentle hand to Harry.

He looked hesitant before nodding his head and squeezing his eyes shut.

Madame Pomfrey whispered a spell and a small list popped above Harry's head.

It read:

Name: Harry James Potter

Age: 4 years old

Gender: Male

DOB: July 31, 1980

Mother: Lily Potter

Father: James Potter

Height: 3ft

Weight: 28lbs

Me and Madame Pomfrey both gasped once seeing the weight.

"Oh, my. It would seem Mr.Potter is malnourished." Madame Pomfrey said, casting away the spell and pulling out a pair of clothes.

Harry opened his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Ma- Manurishht?" He tried to pronounce.

"Whats that mean?" He asked, tugging on my sleeve.

"Well, tell me Harry, how much do you eat at home?" I asked, hunching over to the boys level.

He took a second to think before he looked back at me.

"Well, less than Dudley..." He said quietly.

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