Another Year at Hogwarts

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Chapter 1

*Dracos POV*

I walked onto platform 9 3/4, the familar smell of smoke that was puffing out the trains immediately hit me, and I smiled a bit.

I let my smile drop before turning around to see my father.

"Goodbye Father."

He simply noded his head and gave a curt farewell before glaring at a couple of kids who were playing behind him.

My mother gave a small smile and brought me down into a hug.

"Now you behave Draco dearest, we wouldn't want to upset your father now would we?"

I looked over to my father and we locked eyes.

"No, we wouldn't."

I stood back up and straighted out my shirt.

"Well then, I'll be off now."

I turned around and walked onto the train, pushing my way through the sea of people to find one with my fellow slytherins in it.

Finally after a bit of elbowing and kicking, I made my way into a room I had spotted Pansy in.

As soon as the door closed, I let my facade drop.

"Draco! Come here you ugly bitch!" She laughed, popping up out of her seat and welcoming me with open arms.

I gladly accepted the hug and we swayed side to side as we embraced each other.

"Ugly? Love, the pimples on your forhead are big enough to be mountains and valleys."

She pushed herself off of me and made a hurt face.

"Draco, how could you?"

I let out a laugh and pinched her cheek.

She puffed them out and rolled her eyes.

"Well, I would be offended if it weren't true. Honestly, I don't see how you can keep your skin so clear! How do you do it?"

I brought a finger up to my lips and smiled.

"Thats a Malfoy family secret. 'fraid I can't tell you dear."

She let out a long groan and plopped back down into her seat.

A spread myself out on the seat as well and layed my head down to rest in her lap.

She played with my hair as we told each other of what we had did at home, what we were looking foward to doing back at Hogwarts, rumors we had heard going around.

Eventually, the topic of crushes came up.

I let out an internal groan as I knew what was coming next.

"Soooo, have you told Harry about your unrequited love for him, or are you still being a little bitch about it?"

I pinched her shoulder and rolled my eyes.

"Ugh, Im not being a little bitch about it, I just dont think theres any point. He's obviously straight and in love with the weasly girl, and even if he wasn't, he absolutely despises me."

I ran a hand across my face and sighed.

It was all my fault he even hated me in the first place. It was like everything thing I meant to say, came out the exact opposite.

And I'd hate me too if I went around ruining me and my friends life for no reason.

"Well, theres always this year. Come on love, surely you'll feel better after confessing." Pansy pressed on. "Or if you won't confess, at least treat him better this year. You are a dick to him you know."

"A dick to who?"

We looked to the door and relaxed when we saw Blaise with Crabbe and Goyle.

"We were just talking about Dracos little unrequited love to the Potter boy." Pansy pipped up, snickering when I swatted a hand up at her.

Blaise smiled and rolled his eyes, sitting down in the seat across from us.

"Ah, let me guess, its because 'Potters straight and even if he wasn't, he hates me'."

Pansy had a laughing fit at Blaise being spot on, and Blaise smirked and turned to Goyle, who was now sitting next to him along with Crabbe.

"Well, that'll be Ten galleons mate."

Goyle groaned and fished in his pocket for the coins, handing them to Blaise but not before he gave him a playfull punch to the stomach.

"Come on you guys Im serious! Theres no point in telling him if I know I'll just be rejected anyways! And if by some miracle he said he like me back, what would my father say? Why, he'd be so mad, I bet he'd use one of the unforgivable curses on me."

They all turned to me and stoped the playful banter.

"Come on mate, surely things wouldn't go that bad if you confessed. Besides, its a new year. Who knows what could happen this year? Lets just look foward to it, yeah?" Blaise urged on, and we all agreed and changed the subject, eventually forgetting about the whole crush topic entirely.

As the huge castle came into sight, we all changed into our robes and gathered up our belongings.

A new year a Hogwarts huh?

It'd better be a good one.

Sorry that this was so short, but Im so fucking tierd right now it's ridiculous. The next update will be MUCH longer, so uh, yea! That was Chapter 1(if you can even call it a chapter) of this story! I hope you enjoyed, updates are a bit random, also there about 16-17 here so yea. Although, what happens in the books/movies while their these ages is gunna be THROWN out the window, and im gunna completely change the original story in this fanfic.

K, peace ✌

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