Chapter Nine

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Elena's P.O.V

"We are now in Peshawar, Pakistan. "The flight attendant said over the intercom. "It is currently 9:30 am, it is 28 degrees outside and we hoped you enjoyed your flight!"

I looked outside the window with a smile on my face, after eight long months, i was going to finally see Faron.

Rayanna looked at me."It is that hot and i'm wearing black."

"It is okay Ray, you are overthinking this."I replied with a smile on her face.

Then i went back to my thoughts, i was going to finally be in Faron's arms and tell him how much i missed him and we were going to have our long night drives and just be together.

The plane landed onto the runaway, everyone began to get up and rush themselves as me and ray sat down, waiting for everyone to sort themselves out.

Everyone began to get off the plane, Ray and me got up. I looked at her and smiled. "Have your passport ready."

Rayanna nodded, Dad's friend was probably waiting for us by the immigration area. We walked to the door of the plane and walked out, the heat hit us but in a good way.

I turned around to Rayanna and smiled. "Like it?"

She nodded with such a massive smile on her face. We walked down the stairs and walked to the airport building, the lines to immigration were really long.

"What line should we go into?"Ray asked me as we both looked at the lines.

"We don't need to go the lines, My dad's friend is going to come for us now."I replied as i kept a eye out for Ayan mama (Another word for uncle.)


Ayan mama walked to us and looked at Rayanna then looked at me with a smile on his face. "Elena! Sanga yi? Der wakht osho."

Elena, how are you? It has been so long.

"Za kha yama mama."I replied with a smile on my face. "Ta sanga yi?"

I'm okay uncle, how are you?

"Sahi yama. Sta passport mata raka o tho bal jenaii wala ."He replied with a warm smile on his face. "Faron kho bahr de, lag zur oka bya da kho khafa kigi" He added with a laugh

I'm okay too, give me your passport and the other girl's aswell. Faron is outside, you better hurry before he gets upset

I let out a laugh and handed him my passport, i turned around to rayanna. "I need your passport."

"Okay."She said and pulled out her passport and handed it to me, i gave it to ayan mama.

Ayan mama held them in his hand. "Kha, ta byo os si da bal kuta ta o za byo sta tol saman byo wakhlma, sahi sho?"

Okay you'll go to that other room and i'm going to get your things. Is that okay?

I nodded. "Sahi sho mama."

Yeah its okay.

I turned to Rayanna. "He's going to get all our things, we have to go to this room and wait for 5 mins."

"Yeah sure but do you trust this guy?"

I nodded. "Whenever i come, this what he always does for me."

She linked my arms with her, then we walked to this room. We sat down, I looked at Rayanna, she didn't look too good. "What's wrong? You look a bit pale, do you need some water?"

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