Chapter Two

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I looked outside the window from my hospital bed, i let out a sigh then looked at my hands. With so many thoughts running through my mind. 

Why does this always have to happen to me for? Only i could get hit by a car on the day i was supposed to start living independent.

I let out another sigh, i picked up my phone from the nightstand next to me. I turned it on and typed in my passcode, to see there was no messages at all from anyone. Just shows that no-one actually bothered with me and only bothered with me when i texted them first.

Tears swelled up in my eyes. Everyone leaves me, dont they? First my family left me in the foster system, people who i believe were my friends turned out not to be. And when i thought things were finally going to go good, they took a turn and i landed in hospital.

The tears trickled down my face, i let out a sniff and brought my hands to my eyes and wiped my tears away, knowing i only had myself and that there was no-one else for me.

Nurse Jen walked into the room, she stood at the end of my bed and looked at me."Whats wrong?"

I looked up at her and let out a sniff. "N-Nothing."

She walked to me, she sat by me on my bed and she put her arm around me, she pulled me closer to her. "It isn't nothing, you are crying."

I looked up at her, with my red blotchy eyes swelling up more. "J-Just nothing ever goes right for me and e-everyone just leaves."

"Awh."Nurse Jen said, her voice ever so soothing. "Things happen for a reason, it supposed to lead to something good. You feel so hurt now but it'll benefit you in the end."

"Do you really think so?"

She nodded. "Yeah, someone who i thought of the world left me just like that but then things happen for a reason."

"But so my family leaving me was for a reason?"

"Maybe it was, you dont know what situation they were in."Nurse Jen replied. "Do you know anything about them?"

"No. I dont, i was supposed to get the files when i was supposed to move in my flat."

"Why dont you chase it up with that Cara lady?"Nurse Jen suggested. "More of a good reason and blame it on me needing your family history. "

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, of course."

There and then, Cara walked into the room and looked at me. "Are you okay?"

Nurse Jen got up and smiled at me. "If you need anything, you know where i am."Then she walked out of the room. 

Cara sat on the chair next to my nightstand and looked at me. "What's wrong?"

"I need my family files. "I replied as i looked at her, putting a brave face on. "Nurse Jen, actually no, i want to know where my family is, i want to know who i am."

RootsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora