A Challenge Given, A Challenge Received

Start from the beginning

"Yes, father."

The cart grows silent. They hit another small bump and the stoutland chortles a merry, "Sorry." Montgomery's glare grows sharper. As far as he's concerned, the luckiest one at this party tonight is Florian. He has everyone's praise and approval, even his father's. He can't even get his father's praise. He's not asking for some sappy 'I'm proud of you, son,' moment. What he wants is a symbol of his recognition, for everyone else to see. For everyone else to look at him and know, right away, that his father favors him. The only way for that to happen is for him to be granted the family crest.

The Alcott family crest is a deep blue shield with a silver sword cutting across it, to symbolize the sword-like tools all samurott's receive upon evolution. When a crest is given out, it's no bigger than a hand, a convenient size to be paraded around on scarves or capes or any other wealthy garment. Crests can only be given out by a family patriarch to his children who he deems fit to carry on the family name. And guess which of the Alcott children is the only one without a crest. Yeah, it's him.

His father says he hasn't proven himself worthy to be an official Alcott family member. That if he made bettering the family's status his central motivation, perhaps he'd have his crest by now. But no matter what he does, he just can't seem to reach his father's expectations. Whenever he beats someone in a duel of honor for the family name, his brother beats five. Whenever he lands a suitor richer than them (rare), his sister lands seven and gets marriage proposals from three. Nothing he does is good enough. But tonight, he's going to change that.

Florian is beloved by Father, that's no secret. On the other hand, Florian doesn't care at all for Father, and that is a secret that Montgomery was let in on. Although he and Florian certainly aren't as close as they used to be, they're still friendly with each other. Usually. Sometimes. Okay, maybe more like once in a blue moon. Point is, they have history, enough that Florian trusts him with his secrets, so maybe there's a chance that he can convince Florian to put in a good word with his father to get him that crest. Worst case scenario, he blackmails Florian with his secret disdain for the Alcott patriarch to get what he wants. Easy!

His plan gives him a little burst of excitement, like a firework went off in his chest. He quickly wipes any traces of it from his face, putting on a carefully neutral mask as he was taught to do from a young age. Smiling to himself like an idiot is not a good way to get that family crest.

The carriage comes to a stop, and the jolly voice of the stoutland woofs, "Here."

They step out, Father first, as expected. A Callahan estate attendant announces their arrival, and Father wears the announcement like a crown, holding his head high. Guests gasp and whisper to each other, in awe, probably stunned to see one of Unova's richest patriarchs in the flesh. His family trails behind him, much less regal and impressive. Especially in the face of the Callahan estate.

Is he mistaken, or did Florian redecorate to make the place even more ostentatious? God, what a prick.

There was one fountain before, now there's three. Either the marble has been scrubbed clean for seven days straight, or it's all been replaced. The finest red carpets drape elegantly along the staircases, like wine flowing in a river. Refined statues line the courtyard. The estate has an almost palatial vibe. It reeks of one snobby, pretentious servine that he knows.

Speaking of. Where is Florian?

He scans the crowd, but he doesn't see him. It's possible that he's farther in the estate, mingling with the guests inside. Or, he's just too posh to show up on time to his own party. Montgomery finds both to be equally likely.

Upon his father's signal, the family spreads out. Father has a rule: parties are not meant for enjoying, they are meant for business. And business means rubbing elbows with the most powerful people in the room. Montgomery looks around for anyone his siblings haven't already snatched up: his sister is chatting up a foriegn general and his brother is impressing a group of socialites. His mother frets anxiously, unsure of where to start and afraid of testing Father's patience. He walks swiftly into the mansion to avoid being in the same predicament.

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