I'm the man

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After the conversation with Robin she knew she had to talk to Mike and explain him that yes they were a thing but she wasn't all his, she had feelings for Robin, strong feelings, and that being with him while thinking about another man wasn't right so maybe they should end what they had and just be friends, if that was okay with him. And the worst thing is, she couldn't blame him if he didn't want to be her friend anymore, it was her fault, she couldn't get over Robin and maybe they would never be together but she would be lying to Mike that if she had the chance she would run into Robin's arms.

But they wouldn't be having this conversation today, tomorrow.


They spend all morning in bed, sleeping and she decided that they needed to talk, she needed to let all that she had inside of  her head out, she needed to tell him about her feelings.

"Mike..."she said sitting on the couch next to him "Regina" he said smiling at her "we need to talk" he was getting a little nervous, he knew it wasn't something good and he did have feelings for her, but he also knew how she felt about him and most of all, he knew about her feelings for Robin and he knew they were strong but he didn't want to lose her "About what" he asked "Us" "I know...." he said looking down "No, you don't and pls don't tell me it's all your fault, it is my fault, I was the one who kissed you, I was the one who told all those things and yes I have feelings for you but I won't lie to you and tell you that I don't have feelings for him, you know I do, I never lied to you about that, but things shouldn't be like this and that's why I'm sorry, because you're my best friend andI did this to you, I ruin our friendship over a stupid desire to feel loved, I'm sorry"  he was a little mad, but he was sad too and he felt such a love for her, not only as a lover but as a friend, first of all they were friends and he didn't want her upset about this, he knew, he always knew she wasn't his, it wasn't her fault it was theire fault and all he could thing of was to hug her "Regina, don't be, I would love to be more than your friend, but I'm okay with it, this wasn't a knew to me!I I knew you were in love with him, didn't I? You always told me that, and pls don't tell me that you're not in love with him, because you're, I know you, I'm your best freind and I will always be as long as you want me too" she started to cry, what was she doing, maybe things would never work out with Robin, maybe she was doing the wrong thing letting Mike go, but...but she was indeed in love with Robin and she couldn't just ignore that, she had to be true to herself and she couldn't keep doing that to Mike, she wouldn't play with his feelings like she had until now, she didn't want that "I want to be your friend, I don't wanna lose my best friend, I love you too much and you know it, don't you? he smiled at her, if he couldn't be her boyfriend he would be her best friend "of course G, I'll never leave you" "I know" she said smiling and giving him another hug. 

After that, she was better she had her best friend and she may have a broken heart but she knew that eventually everything would be alright, maybe not right now, but one day, maybe one day she and Robin would be together.

She went to Granny's with Mike to have dinner and they found Roland and Robin, she said hi to them and Roland huged her and then went to play with Mike for a while so Robin could talk to Regina, it was necessary. "Regina" "First I wanna tell you that me and Mike, we're not together anymore, he's still my best friend but just that" "Why?" "why?because of you, of course" "You know I won't leave Marian until it's over don't you?" "I know and I'm not asking you to leave her, I'm asking you to be part of your life, Roland's life, to help you whenever you need, to be your friend like I used to and if some day you're okay with that we could work what we have"  he was being an ass, he was the one who told her that he would fight for her everyday, and now he was telling that she was what? a second choice damn he thought to himself stop being an ass Robin and tell her what you feel "Can we go to a more private space?" "Yes...I guess, where do you wanna go?" "Can we ask for a room, I don't wanna leave, I need to get dinner for Roland later, it's okay with you?" "Fine, ask Red" they find a room and they sit on the end of the bed looking at eatch other "I want you to know, that I love you, I love you Regina Mills and no one else, my mind used to be in the forest with my almost dead wife, and don't get me wrong, I don't want her do die, but if she doesn't I wanna be with you, things between aren't the same, I thought I could gain what we had, I thought I could replace you in my heart and forget about you, but I can't, my heart is yours, my mind and my heart is always here"he said touching her heart "with you" she was crying, what was she suppose to tell him? "I don't know what to say" "Then don't, we'll be friends by now, I want you to be with Roland and I need you in my life, and when everything is done, when Marian get's better or....idk but when this is all done we'll be together, because I wanna be with you, I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, I wanna marry you and have little Regina's with blue eyes with you, because I L-O-V-E YOU" He grab her and gave her a hug and then smiled at her, they looked in to eatch others eyes and the kiss, their verry first kiss.

After that she had dinner with him and with Roland, Mike went to the camp with the other merry men, promesing to talk to her tomorrow and she laught, she laught a lot with Roland, she really wanted to be his mummy, and maybe one day she would, he was so cute, with those dimples and his father...well she was crazy about his dimples too and she knew they would be okay, she knew they would be together very soon, and she was sAD about Marian, but well although she was Robin's wife and Roland's mother, she was a little bitch and she didn't liked her, what she didn't knew was that things were worse than ever for them.

Yeah sorry that I took to long to update and sorry that this is worse than crap, I'll do my best in the next chap.

Sorry guys.

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