Are we friends or are we more

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After that night she wasn't really in mood to go anywhere near the Hood's family. She was sorry for Robin, she was in love with him and she knew how much it hurt to lose someone you love and care about, so she could imagine how he was feeling about her in that moment. And poor little Roland, she was really missing him, but she was the reason he wasn't able to grew up with a mom...soo.. since that night all her time was spent at home with Henry and even with Snow, she didin't like to go out a lot but eventually she went to Granny's, to the park or to Snow's house, but never to the forest, yes the forest was her favourite place to think, to let go of every dirt thaugh she had but the forest also reminded her of him, and it was his place and she didn't want to step in in that either.

Robin was happy with marian back, that was all he had asked for, but even though he was angry with regina, he couldn't stop but think about how she was, he could how really sorry she was and Roland missed her and to tell the truth he missed her too.

Little John was Robin's best friends but he was also Reginas friend and he couldn't stand seing Robin acting like that, for gods sake that woman was his friend, Robin was in love with her and she was in love with him, how could he treat her like that, he knew who she was, he knew she had killed lots and he said that he acepeted her, so how could he be like that to her. So Little John decided to have a talk with Robin, to open his eyes

"Hey Robin!" Robin was with Marian and with Roland playing happy families.

"Yes John, what's wrong?"

"Can we talk?"

"Okay, you can talk!"

"Not here, I want to talk to you alone...if it's alright with you"

"Of course"

So they went to Granny's to talk.

"So john, what's wrong? You're making me nervous"

"Well I just want to talk to you about Regina, you know your best friend and with who you are in love, the girl who has been taking care of Roland like he was her soon?...." but he was interrupted by Robin.

"The woman to took my wife from me, the woman who took Roland's mother and my first love, that's who she is"

Little John was getting furious, how could this man be like this and forget all the good things about her.

"The woman who saved your soon and the one who made you love again, don't forget that, and don't forget that you knew all she had done before and you accepeted her, you called her your best friend and you fell in love with her and then you broke her heart like if it didn't matter, have you seen how bad she is? she doesn't go out because she doesn't wanna see you, she is afraid of what her best friend may do to her and she is in love with you. So don't tell me that she is this and that when you know I'm right and that you should talk to her, you know you're not only hurting her, but you're also hurting yourself and Marian, because she knows that you weren't just friends and she knows that you don't love her anymore, so please be that honorable man that you are and go make things right" By the end John couldn't breath gosh he said everything he needed, now it was Robin that needed to do something and talk to regina.

"I know..." was all he could say." I need to talk with her, but I don't think she wants to see me after what I did and said"

"Are you kiding? All she wants is to be happy and with you, so move that big but and go talk to her"

"I guess you're right, just give me some time I need to talk to Marian first, and can't leave her now she needs my help and she 's the mother of my son"

"As you wish but then don't come running to me if it's too late for you, you can't blame her if she doesn't want to hold onto heartbreaking forever, she doesn't deserve to be sad and broken, you know that better than anyone."

And then they went to the camp again.

To tell the truth JOhn was right, Robin knew it, he was in love with Reginas and she was best friend after all and he missed her, he missed all those things they use to do together watching movies, together on the couch and with Roland and Henry and the way she smelled and huged him, he missed her and he was going to fix that, to fix her and their relationship, he just needed some time.

There's a lot more comming, a ball and a new man in Regina's life, let's see how will Robin react when is not the only one running after her.

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