You won't ever be alone

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Thanks guys for reading, really and I love your reviews and support.

Wanna say thank you and give some credit to @KateOutlawQuee she was just a sweetie and she gave some ideas for this chap.

Hope you enjoy it.


He knew very well what he had to do.

He had to save Marian, but the love he felt for Regina couldn't just go unnoticed. It was true, it was real, he loved her with all of his soul and he knew it. 

So how could he ever let go of the love of his life, his soulmate, they were one and the same, but he knew very well what he had to do.

After deciding that he would leave with Marian and Roland he wanted to talk to Regina, she had said that he didn't need to leave today, that he could wait till tomorrow but she also had said she needed  some time alone, because again he was leaving her, showing her she was only his second choice, but she wasn't.

He left Marian and Roland at the camp, all the merry man were helping them to gather some clothes and other things for the trip, the trip without a way back, and he decided to went to to Regina's home.


Again and again she had lost her happy ending time after time, how could she be so stupid, villains don't get happy endings but once a villain, always a villain it didn't matter that she had changed, it didn't matter that she did the right thing, she wasn't suppose to be happy, it wasn't her destiny. 

So now she found herself in her bed crying letting all out she needed it, he was going away forever, never to come back and she knew she would never love again and no one would ever loved her


Robin was at her front door, his eyes were red, he was going away, leaving her for his wife, always his wife and he couldn't imagine a life without Regina Mills, a life without touching her and watch her smile, watch her being the perfect mother Roland never had she was all this and she was his, but he was leaving her and what was he suppose to tell her?

After a few minutes he got some balls and knocked at her door but she wasn't answer, he was worried maybe she did something to herself, maybe she was hurt so he kicked the door.

He entered the house and started looking for her but he didn't saw her so he went upstairs, he went to her room and there she was crying, her head was burried in a pillow and she didn't even noticed he was there.

He didn't knew what kind of man he was, leaving this woman, 'cause what kind of man would leave a woman like this, she was stunning in every way, she gave up being with Mike for him, she loved him with all her heart and although he had said terrible things to her in the past she had always been there for him and now here he was leaving her.

He went to the side of the bed where she was and instantly he he huged her, he pulled her in to his arms and started to say things to her ear, like there was only the two of them in the world right now and nothing else matter. She leaned in to his touch and after a few minutes of crying she looked up at him.

"I love you"  she said, she didn't want him to leave withput knowing it.

"I love you too" he said it before he could even think, because that's how is love for her was, she loved her without even thinking from the moment he saw her.

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