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Landing in the town centre they saw viney hiding trying her best to comfort a range of different 'Boiling Isles type weird' pets that had been released from their pet shop.

The Fire demon shouted his name repeating, "THE TWISTED FLAME CLEANSES THE ISLES WITH HIS MIGHTY FLAME" .

Eda- So this guy has the 'I am your savior' complex good to know. I think I  can handle this the coven hasn't even got here yet what is making Lily take so long, haha oh well.

Eda sent a ball of fire towards him and instantly regretted her decision as the flame was consumed by many others.

Gus- He's p-purely f-f-fire right, can't we j-just put him out.

Willow- How do we get close enough to even do that

One of viney's rescued animal strayed away from the group and ran towards the Twisted flame hopping innocently and happily unaware of it's current situation.

Viney- No! NO come back now come on come back.

The creature hopped to what would have been it's doom viney ran over causing the attention of the demon to be divided the demon focused all it's energy on creating a blue flame pointing it directly at Viney who stood helpless cradling the small creature she had saved.

Luz used an ice glyphs to slide her way towards Viney and a large fire glyph to take them into the air out of the demons reach.

Luz- You need to heal all the people that have been hurt and round up all those animals take them far away from here.

Viney- That's what I have been trying to get too but people are to scared and I can't control all these animals, the towns folk need to know that you guys have this under control or they won't listen to me.

Luz- Ok we will have this under control. I Promise.

After falling to the ground luz finally set their plan into action. Viney ran off to complete her part.

The others were sending all types of magic towards him their attacks were rushed and meaningless.

Luz gestured for everyone to fall back and retreat to an old alleyway.

Luz- Gus send all sorts of illusions towards him Ed, Em you two do the same. Eda and willow just wait and see if there is some sort of weak spot I am just gonna send poles of ices towards him because in video games there is ALWAYS a weak spot.

Eda- I really don't like your justification but we literally have no other plan kid. COME ON LET'S GO.

rushing out of the alleyway they made there presence unknown, on Luz's signal Gus, Ed and Em created large fantastical illusions of screaming Boiling Isles inhabitants to draw in the Demon who was having a field day thinking he was destroying lots of people and their homes.

Luz- Lead him towards the harbour

They all jumped from roof top to roof top

TWISTED FLAME- ha ha you really think I am that stupid, you think I  Would fall for that old 'lead the fire demon to a body of water trick'. Battle of the 2D plane x145, Battle against the ice nomads x005.YOU CAN NOT BEAT  ME. They all tried the same boring old trick.

He sent a heat wave of fire that made everyone sweat.

Luz whispered to herself resourcefulness, resourcefulness.

Luz- we are gonna go down there Eda please break the cobblestone pavement.

Luz turned to Willow with a desperate look in her eye.

THE OWL HOUSE EVIL AU (lumity)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora