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Zarah and Pinky are helping each other to pack their clothes. They were complaining about the long journey. They will be using their private jet.

"Urghhh!! I won't pack many clothes." Pinky groaned

"Yeah, we will do our shopping if we reach New York." Zarah answered. "Let's finish packing your's, then you will help me pack mine." Zarah added.

Pinky's room is all blue. The walls are painted sky blue, the queen sized bed is dark brown in colour. The bed is made of real wood from Benin republic. They have the best wood work.

They were in her walk in closet, sorting out flimsy clothes suitable for the preparations. Ripped jeans, palazos, jumpsuits and skirts.
"Zarah it's not like we are spending an entire month there." Pinky complained.

"Pinky, important people are going their, like Sebastian. There are rich Cartel leaders." Zarah Convinced her.

"Fine. Sebastian my crush is coming." Pinky jumped.

"Pinky, how is work." Zarah asked.

"Someone wired a lot of money into Noah's account. The money was sent to him from Asia." Pinky explained.

"We must do something about it." Zarah said as she zipped the blue suitcase.

"We will start with Uncle McKinney. He is my first suspect. I don't know, but their is something off about him." Pinky dragged her suitcase out as Zarah led her to her bedroom.

"We will try and investigate him." Zarah opened her door and entered. Her room is pure white.

"Oh my God! Faruk. You scared the devil out of me." Zarah shouted as she saw a figure on her bed.

"I finished praying and waiting for you. When will you be ready." He asked his sisters. Pinky is not their blood sister but she bears the name Santa. She is Zarah's age mate.

"Let me pack." Zarah rushed to her closet.

"Did you guys even pray?" Faruk asked.

"We are not praying. Because we..." Zarah yelled from the closet.

"Don't tell me everything." He cut her off. "Besides how is it possible for not to pray at the same time?" He muttered but they heard him.

"I will start praying tomorrow while Pinky is next tomorrow." Zarah answered.

"Shut up will you?" Pinky glared at her.

They will be heading to Lagos, to pick up Sameer and Meenat. The trio picked up their suitcases and left for the airport where their private jet is waiting.

"I want to fly the plane ." Zarah whined.

"No No. Rich will fly us to Lagos, then Sameer will take off from Lagos to Washington DC." Faruk explained. Zarah pouted and continued reading on her phone.


Meenat and Pinky were waiting for them near their white plane also in Murtala Muhammad international airport, Lagos.

"Sameer, I need that card." Meenat used her puppy eyes on her brother. He had planned on giving her the card. He reached the side pocket of his grey jacket and brought out a black card, American Express Centurion.
Meenat jumped like a little girl.

"Can't wait." Meenat smiled and kept the card in her small, blue Dior bag.

"Girls with shopping." Sameer scoffed.

"I want to look outstanding in the wedding, Sameer." Meenat complained.

"Don't look better than the bride, I'm warning you because you did it once." Sameer warned his little sister.

Family relationship is the true relationship you can't deny, it is the genuine relationship one can find on earth. In any situation, family comes first before anything. A family must not be blood related, living together makes one your family because the person saw your struggles. That is the relationship between Faiza Pinky Santa and Faruk and Zarah Santa. Pinky is not a real Santa but she bears the name.

"Mr. President." Pinky ran to Sameer.

"Favourite person." Sameer smiled and hugged Pinky.

"Hmmm.! Favouritism." Meenat glared at Pinky. Pinky stuck out her tongue in playful manner.

"Awwwn.! Meenat." Zarah said in a squeaky voice. Pinky separated from the hug and went to hug Meenat. Faruk and Sameer shook hands like. That is what men do, right?.

"The plane is ready, let's go." Sameer said.

"Okay." Faruk said, although that was not his plan.

Faruk and Sameer spoke about the campaign progress. Faruk told Sameer about his meeting with the gang leader of The Snake Gang in Adamawa state. Faruk's briefed him about them. They are in the real ghetto part of the state.

It is already 8 pm, and it will take them 11 hours and 21 minutes before they reach Washington DC. They had good time during the journey.



As the author of this book, I love the relationship between family members. That is why I always show the value of good relationship in a family. I come from a loving family. With supportive father and mother, and the best siblings one could ever find.

This book is a crossover with The Greene Family.

The song above is dedicated to those that bring family first.

Freaking Santas. (Family Squad)Where stories live. Discover now