I Need To Talk

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Aaron POV: I sit and eat as Tasmin talks about how she wants to trust me and be friends, but I need to help she can't do all the work. When she finishes I just burst out laughing,

"Yes mommy! I will help!" I say and she smiles at me.

"So are you going to give me that other piece of toast?" She asks, I quickly pull the plate towards me, but she just smirks. She looks behind me and so I follow to what she is looking at, but there is nothing. When I turn back she is eating my piece of toast.

"Hey!" I say but she just grins. I sigh and get up.

Ryan POV: I stand at the end of the hallway watching Tasmin and Aaron mess around. But clearly I had been standing there too long as Tasmin turned around and locks eyes with me, I look away feeling awkward but when I look back she is gone. I walk into the kitchen,

"Hey Ara, um is Tasmin okay?" I ask, he turns around,

"One, don't call me Ara and two yeah I think she is better," he says and he walks out the kitchen and goes upstairs. I look out the window and Calypso and Tasmin are talking and watering plants. I notice that Calypso is carrying a flower in her hand and she gives it to Tasmin and a bag. Tasmin gently places the plant in the bag and hugs Calypso. I feel a twinge of jealousy as she is being so nice to everyone but me, I just choose I ignore it.

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