Meeting Tasmin.

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I woke up, the dream lingering in my memory. It was the same as always, I'm falling out of the sky and I am about to reach the bottom and I then wake up. I think about knocking on Oaks door, but I thought better of it. After a strange year of animals and people trying to 'kill' me, and Oaks lies to me about it all!

I slowly peel away from my bed and wish my sisters were here, heck I even miss mum! But I remember that I put myself here! All because my 'dad' died, even though he wasn't even my real dad, I missed him, mum told me that he loved just as much as my sister's, but my real dad was a gentlemen. 11years of my life I had spent not knowing that my real dad had died at sea.

I head over to first period, trying to ignore people as I walk past. I know I'm going to be late because I'm always late. Anyway as I walk there I hear a hiss from behind a bush, I look over my shoulder but crash into a guy, his hair was shockingly blonde and his eyes electric blue, "sorry" he says, but he didn't mean it, I feel a great surge of anger, but I try and ignore it. As I get to class, the teacher as always gives me a glare, I sit next to Oaks. Oaks has crutches because he got hit by a car once and his legs were crushed, he can walk but not very easily. I look at my book, but as always the words float of the page, and I can't focus on them, my hands start to fiddle under the desk, I'm restless as usual because of my ADHD, which is 2 times worse than normal and so is my delexia. I really can't be bothered to do the lesson, so I sit as silent as I can, the teacher doesn't come over they no not to. At the end if the lesson I dash out, planning on how I'm going to bunk off, hoping that Oaks won't catch up with me. I get out of the building, and 3 weird ladies who are half snake and women stand at the bottom of the field...

3 strange ladies who were half snake, half women stood at the end of the field. Instinctively I reach for the dagger my mum gave me but I think better of it. The ring on my finger though glows with power, and I twist it to the right, it turns into a sword, markings are on it but I don't get time to read it, my mind takes over and I charge and these ladies. I get a flash of movement to the left of my eye but I don't look. The first lady pounces but I side step and chop her head of, she disintegrates to dust. Weird. I head over to the next one, who looks confused but see me coming,

"Sssssuch a pleassssure to meet you, but you are going to die!" She says, her snake tounge slithering out her mouth, I don't know what she is but she is evil, she charges and I throw my sword, it hits her in the stomach and she disintegrates aswell. I look over to the last one , but she is already gone. The boy from earlier who had the blonde hair and blue eyes looks over to me.

Oaks comes over, but he hasn't got crutches anymore, instead he has goat legs, I stare at him in shock but he just takes our arms and forces us to run. We run for ages but there isn't any sign of help. I'm crying and I don't know when I started. A shadow appears over my head, a flying chariot sets down on the ground in front of us, 2 more join it.

"Tasmin, it's ok these people will help us, you have to get on the chariot, it will be fine!" Oaks says, I climb on the one were a boy about 4 years older stands on, he has dark black hair, and bright green eyes, his kind smile feels familiar,

"Hi my name is Percy Jackson, your going somewhere safe now!" He tells me.

I get on and we fly off. The dream stuck in my mind.

"Were are we going?" I ask, he just smiles at me, and looks straight ahead. After a while we slow down and I still feel icky about the dream.

"We are going to be going down, so you might want to hold on to something!" Percy tells me. I grab the edge of the chariot. As we swoop down I hit my head on the chariots edge, black spots appear and I'm falling again, falling into darkness. Something's catches me,

'Yo boss, who the new chick?' Someone says faintly, but I feel like it said in my mind. My dream is happening. I'm going to die.

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