Setg turned to her, "So you will understand my language better." Carly surprised, nodded slowly. "Where did he go? That other hunter?"

Setg was quiet for a moment, his eyes moist. "That is my twin brother, and he has decided that we are to go separate ways. "

"Oh..... I'm sorry... I hope it wasn't me?" Carly whispered.

"No, its own fool's errand; he will come back when he is ready... or dead." Setg said flatly.

"How can you just let him go? We should go after him!" Carly was shocked that he could just say this about his brother.

"Nei'hin feels that he has dishonoured the clan and himself and is seeking retribution. But he is feeling.... alone.... so there may also be a chance that he may come back after finding.... companionship... It would be best that we let destiny play its part, and one day, I will meet my brother again. Be it in this life or the next." Setg's words were blunt ... Carly sat quietly taking it all in; looking at the door where Nei'hin had just walked through, she wondered if she would ever see him again.

Setg turned back to face Carly, "Are you feeling better?"... Carly nodded... "Just feeling weak and disorientated... " I am assuming we are on your aircraft?"

"Yes, you have been unconscious for a long time. But it doesn't matter now, you will be stronger and I shall present you to the Temple on my home world."

"The Temple?" Carly wasn't overly religious but now she was curious.

"Yes, it's where we take our ooman mates and the Guardians examine them and also conduct any special ceremonies that we may wish to undertake..."

"What kind of ceremony?" Carly was curious, imagining herself as a bride and Setg as the groom...

Setg noticed that he had piqued her curiosity and gently placed his hand over Carly's womb. "Usually fertility prayers or a joining of souls...." His voice turned sensual... he trilled softly to her...

"Fertility prayers? What happens there...." her voice lowering to a whisper; trying to be seductive in return...

"We mate, in a sacred room..." Setg hand slowly rubbing her womb, locking his eyes with Carly... "Under the watchful eyes of the gods, we ritually mate as guided by the ancients, our cries of pleasure appease our gods.... blessing the couple with miracle...."

"A mating ritual...." Carly ran her hand down his stomach and slid it over his man hood....Feeling it firming immediately to her touch.... "We should practise.... our performance would appease the gods more..." she smiled at him.... His erection more imminent....

"Yes, practise..." He slowly laid Carly back and kissed her softly, Carly moaning softly as he caressed her breasts... "and have many blessings with Carly...." Carly smiled at the thought.... she never wanted children before, but now with Setg it was possible... it felt right and he was right for her. Carly moaned as she felt Setg's manhood press up against her sex, not entering her. Carly spread her legs out, want to accommodate him. "So eager..." Setg purred.... Setg slowly made his way in, but only went in a inch deep, Carly already wet with pleasure.... Kissing him hard, Carly tried to get more of him in, but he did not budge. Instead he made small movement, sliding gently in and out, not going any deeper, not fully pulling out... Carly begged.... Setg kissed her and slid in a little deeper, but not deep enough. Carly was panting. "More! I want you in me!" Setg caressed her breasts and shoved his tongue deep into her mouth, still sliding in and out slowly, not getting any deeper. The teasing was getting heady, Carly wanting more. Setg continued to lick her tongue continuously and slid in further. He wasn't even fully in and Carly could feel herself build. He maintained this slow, sensual rythmn, teasing her with the length he was giving her each time. He continued this tease, tasting her mouth, caressing her breasts, sucking her nipples, each time going in a little bit further. He was just over half way and already felt like he could explode. But he wanted to be gentle after the previous night's mating. In case his seed had taken hold already... he did not want to disturb the womb. He started to thrust a little faster and harder, but not getting any deeper until Carly begged for more. Carly flailed about in bed, she was coming in a big way, but she was aching for his full length, begging for his hard cock to be in her... filling her...pumping her... the thoughts driving her mad. "Oh please Setg! Fuck me harder, I want you drilling me!" Setg wasn't so sure of the meaning of drilling, but knew what she wanted....He started to thrust faster, harder... but once again denying her the depth she craved.... Carly was drooling, her breasts jiggling with the thrusts. Setg couldn't hold on for any longer and held her hips tightly as he gave her what she wanted, and fucked her sex hard. Carly groaned as Setg's full length penetrated her.... His deep thrusting made her back arch, curling her toes in pleasure. Set felt his seed rising, wanting release again... Carly in so much pleasure she was coming too, he could feel her body pulsing, her feel electric around his cock. Carly could feel him locked and loaded, that seed of his ready for release. Setg slowed his thrusting, his manhood harder but the intensity of the thrusts where delicious. Setg pounded her slow and hard, trying to get deeper and deeper into her sex. Carly felt that sensation of being ripped apart by pleasure again but the thought escaped her as she orgasmed hard as Setg blew his load into, gripping her hips hard, arching his back and screaming out to the gods. Carly kept orgasming as she felt each load empty into her. Every thrust was met with an orgasm, hot seed pouring into her fuelling the next thrust, the next orgasm... the mated like perfect machines, one giving, the other receiving, a continuous perfect cycle until Setg slowly stopped; closing his eyes, sweating beading on his perfect body. He opened his eyes and looked upon Carly, who was heavily panting, white seed sealing around the entry of her sex and his manhood. Bonding them together....

Setg slowly laid down next to Carly, not withdrawing from her. She held him close and they gazed into each other's green eyes... she had never felt so unified with anyone before. He was perfect.... he would never hurt her... he was so gentle and he has such fire... Carly realised that she loved him more than any human man... no other man was like him... She would never go back to man.... not when her future was here, staring back at her with those emerald eyes.

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