Chapter 17~ Its Time

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~Groff's POV~

The next 3 months went well. Lin would go for his check ups and every time the doctors would tell him that he had improved rapidly and would probably be out of the wheelchair sooner than we expected! I finally, after four weeks of restriction, had my cast removed. My arm had healed perfectly and was as good as new!

We had gone to see Hamilton twice more and kept in touch with our friends witch frequently came over to see us.

We had gotten in touch with Vanessa and found out she was now 5 months pregnant. She was not happy at all when Lin told her he wasn't going back to her.

Our daily routine stayed mostly the same everyday as Lin now had exercises to do to help his back and we had to stay on track with his pain meds.

I became quite the pro at hauling Lin out of his chair and onto sofas, beds, cars. You name it, I could do it!

Lins parents came over every week to make sure I was looking after him properly. They were the nicest people and made me feel so welcome into the family. The first time we properly met, Lins parents both greeted me at the door with a big hug and a kind smile.

"Thank you so much for taking care of Lin. Your a real God send."

Lins mom told me while his dad nodded.

"I don't know what would have happened if it wasn't for you!"

This made me well up and we had another round of hugs!

My panic attacks had really calmed down and I knew this was on account of the fact that Lin could calm me with just one look of his worried, caring eyes. His parents were telling me I was a God send for him, but really he was a God send for me.

~ Lin's POV ~

It was the forth month of me being in a wheelchair and I couldn't wait to get out in two months time. I missed the stage and even walking like a normal person.

I had felt my strength grow every day and new that it wouldn't be long now.

We pulled up outside of the hospital in our usual spot and Groff got me out of the car and wheeled into the waiting room. I got called in and the doctors proceeded to do the normal tests.

After this we were taken into the consultation room to talk about my progress, as usual.

"Lin-Manuel, we analysed your rapid progress and have come to the conclusion that you are ready to start working your way to standing and walking again."

This filled me with a new sense of hope and determination for the future. I looked over at Groff whose face had lit up as he grabbed my hand tightly.

"If you feel ready we can take you into a room now where they will guide you to start to stand and walk. You will probably just work on standing again today, but don't feel down hearted if it doesn't work as your muscles have been resting for a while. The exercises would have helped but it depends on how often you did these for during the healing process."

To our advantage we had been doing my exercises 5-6 times a day to build up my strength. I had been doing them, after waking up, after breakfast, after lunch, at around 4pm, after dinner and sometimes just before bed, although I had the tendency of falling asleep in Groff's arms while watching TV or a movie.

We were escorted to the room to start my session. I was filled with excitement and nerves. I couldn't quite believe that I was about to finally stand again.

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