Chapter 12~ Keep Fighting

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~ Groff's POV ~

I woke at 4 in the morning full of excitement and dread for what was happening today. I sat on the couch on my phone trying to calm my nerves for a couple hours.


Pippa laughed catching me.

"Nervsited." (Nervous and excited)

I told her.

~ Time Skip ~

As soon as we walked into Lins room i rushed to his side. Pippa started to cry as she sat down on the chair beside Lins bed. A silent tear trickled down my face.

We had been informed by Lins doctor that he would probably be able to hear everything that we said even in his unconscious state.

"I'm so sorry Lin, I should have come earlier."

I cried holding his limp hand.

Pippa placed her hand on my shoulder smiling reassuringly at me.

At that second a bundle of doctors rushed in.

"Please stand back we must do immediate tests on Lin-Manuel's condition."

The doctor told us frantically as we scrambled to the back off the room.

"What's wrong with him?"

I called over the rush of doctors. When there was no answer I buried my head in Pippa's shoulder, praying that Lin would be ok.

After about 10 minuets of the doctors doing frantic tests on Lin, everyone calmed and left the room. A young doctor came to us and explained.

"Just after you came in Lins heart beat suddenly dropped and then increased rapidly. We think he was probably shocked at hearing you two arrive."

Soon after she left and we returned to Lins bed side.

"Gave you a bit of a shock did we?"

I chuckled weakly watching Lins expression. He looked exactly as I left him 3 weeks ago.

We stayed, taking it in turns to talk to him and sometimes sitting in silence crying or watching him for any sign of movement.

We went back every day that week staying from when visiting hours started until visiting hours finished, spending every second possible by his side.

The other Hamilton members had been to see him daily for the 3 weeks me and Pippa had stayed at home.

The doctors told us that in the past week his condition had improved more every day.

Exactly a week into this endeavour, Pippa went to the loo and left me and Lin alone together.

"Oh Lin, You've been in a coma for a month now. Please keep fighting. The doctors have been saying that your condition is improving. It's been so hard without you. I miss you so much."

That's when I broke down into tears.

Almost instantly Lins hand squeezed mine, it was weak and soft but it was there. He had heard me.

"Lin! I felt that. You can hear me! Oh I new you could!"

I gasped squeezing his hand back.

When Pippa returned I told her the news and she confirmed that it was probably his way of telling me to hold on and that he would be ok.

We came back the next day to an even bigger surprise!

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