Chapter 15~ SURPRISE!

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~ Groff's POV ~

It was a huge struggle trying to get Lin out of his chair and into bed. I could tell it hurt him but he put on a brave face.

Once I had finally hauled him into bed I told him that I would sleep in the spare room as not to hurt him in the night. To this he was not happy but I insisted for fear of hurting him.

I had been lying in bed for a few hours struggling with terribly broken sleep. I checked my phone.


"Groff... are you awake?"

I heard a meek voice call. I got out of bed and went to Lin.

"Are you ok love?"

I asked him growing more worried by the second.

"Please stay with me Groffy, I missed you so much."

He begged me. I climbed into bed carefully next to him putting my arms around his waist slowly analysing his face for any signs of discomfort.

I stayed awake most of the night worried about hurting him. Finally his head relaxed into the pillow and he fell asleep.

~ Lins POV ~

I awoke with a start, trying to sit up abruptly but being knocked down again from excruciating pain running down my entire spine, pinning me back into the bed. I gave a loud yelp and woke up my sleeping partner next to me.

"Lin, are you ok? Did I hurt you!"

He asked, frantically moving to the far end of the bed.

"No, no I just woke suddenly."

I looked over at Groff, almost falling off the bed he was so far away. I must have given him a real shock waking up like that.

"Come here and give me cuddles."

I gave him puppy dog eyes, to which he could never say no too. He snuggled up close and I kissed his forehead.

"What's the plan for today then linguini?"

Groff asked me, smiling proudly at this new nickname.

"We're going to see the cast today right? After that let's just come home and try to get back to some sense of reality."

"Sounds good!"

Groff replied looking up at me.

We finally managed to get out of bed and into the car with a lot of struggling, especially since Groff had his broken arm so really only one was in full use.

After arriving at the Richard Rogers just in time for when morning rehearsal was to start, Groff wheeled me into the building.

The first thing we noticed was the fact that the lights were off, it seemed like no one was here, but I was sure I had seen everyone's cars in the car park?

"That's strange?"

Groff said hesitantly. He went to flick on the light near the door. As soon as it turned on we noticed a letter handing from the light switch.

Go To The Rehearsal Room.

It read. Suspicious. Me and Groff exchanged confused glances as we made our way through the corridor to the rehearsal room. Inside the big hall, to our shock the lights were off again.

Groff, once again, flicked them on, this time to be hit by a loud...


The cast members of Hamilton jumped up from underneath tables, holding banquets of food and presents, and even from behind a gigantic DJ set!

There were streamers and balloons everywhere and a big space in the middle for dancing.

On the back wall there was a gigantic sign that read...


The cast had thrown us a giant surprise party!

They all ran and we hugged and thanked them all in turn. Let's just say A LOT of tears were shed and a lot of I missed you s shared before the party really started!

They had hired a DJ who played music for us (mostly musicals) and being the theatre kids we are, we acted and sung along to them all, wheelchair and broken arm to!

Let's just say I made an amazing Nessa!

We danced, sung, partied and ate for hours before the cast had to start getting ready for the upcoming show. Before they left they presented us with one last surprise!

"We know that you will not be joining us in Hamilton for the foreseeable future, so we thought it would be a great idea to rent out the box for you to watch the show in! We may have added just a few decorations and surprises for you inside!"

Leslie told us excitedly while the rest of the cast squealed in excitement.

"That would be amazing! We would love to see you perform!"

We gawked back at them!

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