Chapter 11~ Vanessa

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~ Groff's POV ~

Pippa took care of me like the mum of the cast she was. She made sure I showered, changed my clothes, ate probably and kept myself hydrated. At first the other cast members would come and visit but I couldn't keep a proper conversation going for more than a couple minuets before being engulfed by a wave of depression and guilt that I was going on without Lin by my side.

The days dragged on without him, every day brought new hope that he would get better, but fresh fear that things would never be the same.

Three weeks into Lins coma there was a frantic knocking at the front door. Pippa answered it while I sat on the couch. I heard muffled frantic voices and I finally decided to see what was the matter.

"Jonathan Groff where is Lin? This woman is trying to convince me he is in a hospital bed. Bring him here right now!"

Vanessa snapped at me from the door looking startled at my heavily bagged eyes.

"Lins not here."

I somehow managed to say his name without braking down into tears or having a panic attack for the first time since this whole ordeal.

Pippa walked to me and put her arm around me, showing me how proud she was.

"I suggest you tell us what you have to say or leave before I call the police."

Pippa's tone startled me. This was the first time I had ever heard Pippa speak to anyone this assertively.

"Fine, last month I found out that I was pregnant with Lins baby."

Shouted Vanessa.

"You tell Lin that he has two options. He comes back to me and helps me raise this baby, or I am abandoning it."

We watched Vanessa slam the door and listened to her footsteps storm away in shock.

"Oh my goodness."

Gasped Pippa still staring at the door.

Would Lin leave me? He has always wanted kids and if this was his shot at getting one, surely he would go back to her. I felt yet another panic attack coming but Pippa noticed the warning signs and tried to calm me down before it got to serious. When this failed she managed to lead me to the sofa before I passed out.

I woke up a few minuets later. Pippa had figured out why I panicked and as soon as I opened my eyes she was by my side, arms round me telling me that Lin would never dream of leaving me for anything.

"Vanessa is only saying that to reclaim Lins fame. She's a gold digger. That's what she does. Groff you make Lin so happy. The whole cast has seen such a change in both of you since you guys got together. You had been crushing on him for literally years and we all new he had feelings for you too!"

This part made me smile. She really new how to cheer someone up.

That night as I got into bed all I could think about was how much I missed Lin. His goofy grin, his chocolate eyes, his smart remarks and little jokes. Everything about him was perfect. This was the moment I realised that he would keep fighting. He had so much to live for and he new it. I then new what I had to do. Pippa had decided that it probably wasn't the best idea for me to visit Lin as it would without a doubt open fresh wounds that I had so carefully worked to heal.

I walked out into the hallway to see Pippa heading for the spare room witch had temporarily turned into her room.

"Pippa, I'm ready."

"Oh Groff."

She exclaimed running to me and hugging me.

"I'm so proud of you. We will go visit him first thing in the morning."

I Need You. ~ A Grofflin FanficWhere stories live. Discover now