Chapter 4~ Mine

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~ Lins POV ~

As we pulled away we stared at each other for a second before I pulled him into another long passionate kiss.

I had just fought with my girlfriend, not even broken up with her and I was kissing my male best friend. This wasn't right but it certainly felt right. I couldn't help but love it. I felt complete, like this was the moment my entire life had been leading up to.

~ Groffs POV ~
(Flash back to after the first kiss)

When we pulled away, I panicked. WHAT HAD I JUST DONE. My best friend had just told me that he had had a big fight with his girlfriend and I had been so insensitive as to kiss him?

I realised what a horrible thing I had done and started to apologise before he pulled me back in.

HE, Lin-Manuel Miranda pulled ME, Jonathan Groff into a kiss....... he was kissing me back! This was the happiest day of my life. As we pulled away we just stared at each other for a second before becoming a ball of giggles.

What had we done!  After a while I asked.

"Do you want to stay at my house tonight? To get away from Vanessa of course."

I said quickly blushing.

"That would be great"

He replied. We proceeded to pack up and haul everything into my car without saying a word.

"I meet you at mine"

"See you then!"

He replied.

~ Lins POV ~

I got into my car and started driving to Groffs like nothing had happened. Suddenly I slammed on the brakes stopping the car.

What had I just done!

This couldn't be right. The thing is he is adorably cute and the best thing that ever happened to me.

Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing. I just hope that it wasn't in the spur of the moment. I carried on driving and found myself craving his eyes, his voice, his lips.

As soon as I arrived at Groffs I noticed he was already there. I went to knock on the door. He answered and smiled at me with his cute little grin.

"You don't need to knock ya know!"

He chuckled. I went inside and sat on the sofa, Groff cuddling up next to me.

"Did you mean what you, almost, said to me?"

"What do you mean?"

I replied trying to run through the crazy yet amazing events of the last half hour.

"When you said that you... you loved me."

"I did, I hope that's ok."

I started to panic.

"Lin, stop. It's more than ok Lin. I... I love you too."

Kissing me once again. His hands brushed the back of my neck. It was the most amazing feeling in the world.

Kissing my best friend straight after crying on the floor over my soon to be ex-girlfriend.


"Yes Groff?"

"Are we like.. a thing now."

Groff asked clearly nervous.

"Jonathan Groff, are you asking me to be your boyfriend?"

"Maybe..." he said giggling.

"Then, I accept." I said pulling him into a hug.

My little, shy, funny, crazy best friend was now mine.

I Need You. ~ A Grofflin FanficWhere stories live. Discover now