- The Unanswered Questions

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(the sequel)
"Do your fucking worst,"

- THE PENULTIMATE PERIL PT 2 -(the sequel)"Do your fucking worst,"

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"Count Olaf!" The villainous man announced, a grin on his face that displayed every lack of hygiene. From the scraped enamel to the chipped teeth and the few remaining crumbs of food that had not been brushed away.

Although the dastardly smile did nothing to dissuade his confidence as Count Olaf settled into the witnesses chair comfortably, gazing at both the orphans and the crowd with neutral eyes that told everyone he didn't understand the vitality of the situation. That, or he simply didn't care about it. Olaf often acted overconfident, but it was clear when things didn't go his way...his face did not show an ounce of sickly surprise.

That should've worried the orphans. But seemingly only Cara noticed his relaxed posture, the glint in his eyes that only came about when he was sure that he was going to take the upper hand.


"Impresario." Olaf said, speaking the words as though he was a cat and the sentence was a purr. Cara furrowed her eyebrows a little, glancing to Klaus beside her who didn't seem fazed by the odd word as he questioned Count Olaf.

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" Klaus asked him firmly and Olaf put his hands together in the typical villainous pose that he always did where his hands resembled a pyramid with only his fingertips touching.

"I have never told a lie in my life." Count Olaf claimed, his elbows resting on the oak arms of the witness chair he was sat on. Cara raised an eyebrow at him, shaking her head.

"That's a lie!" Klaus claimed.

"You can't prove that." Count Olaf shrugged his shoulders, smirking just a little at Klaus who gaped helplessly at Count Olaf and his audacity. Cara put a hand on his back to keep him from awkwardly stammering his way through a defence.

"That's the whole point of this trial." Violet furrowed her eyebrows at Count Olaf, tilting her head a little. Olaf crossed one leg over the other, sat on the witness chair like he would be sat on his ratty couch that was falling apart back at his house.

"Ah, but I've always been honest with my desires, orphans: you, maimed and dead, and your fortunes in my rarely washed hands." Count Olaf said, his voice low and viscous like honey being poured out of a jar as he regarded the audience behind them. "That's more than the rest of these people can say."

"These people are here to help us." Violet scowled and Cara turned around to the people that sat in the crowd, her hand dropping from Klaus' back as she examined them all. They were people they had met along their journey, yes, but help was a little bit of a strong word.

"Help you? Look around!" Count Olaf scoffed and Cara turned back to face him, having already examined their audience and fearing she may agree with Count Olaf. "I see a banker who cares more about a promotion than four orphans-"

Opposites Attract - Klaus BaudelaireWhere stories live. Discover now