- The Boat Ride To Hell

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It was dark, cold and creepy in Josephine's house. Dark because it was still late evening and there was no way they were going to wait until morning with a matter like this. Cold because the woman-shaped hole in the window allowed lots more wintry breezes to filter around the house especially because they hadn't bothered to close the library door when they hastily walked to the phone to call someone after a moments of sadness for Josephine. Creepy because there was the knowledge of being in a dead woman's house with her suicide note in hand.

Cara was still dealing with the sinking feeling in her stomach of when she had made the joke earlier, her knees were bouncing and her hand had run through her hair one too many times. Her fingers were fidgeting and she was zoning out a lot more than she usually did. 'Uncle Monty is dead' Klaus had said. 'Aunt Josephine isn't' Violet had said. Yet, Cara had said and now...

"Fuck." She said under her breath, putting her head in her hands as Violet recited the note to Mr. Poe over the phone. Cara had sat herself at the table because she knew that if she was stood, she would be walking around too much and although she desperately wanted to get out of her seat, she would only distract the others with her excessive movements.

Violet put the phone back down on the stand, catching Cara's attention as she looked over at them. "Mr. Poe said we can always rely on Mulctuary Money Management."

She handed Klaus the note and he took it with care; Cara couldn't stand the torture of sitting anymore and stood quickly, bounding over to them and looking over Klaus' shoulder down at the note they were examining.

"I just can't believe it." Klaus said breathlessly as he looked down at it and as he felt a weight on his shoulder, he looked to his right to see Cara on her toes with her hands keeping her stabilised on his shoulder. She smiled at him slightly apologetically as she took her hands away and lowered herself down but he didn't say anything about it.

"It's all there in ink and shaky handwriting." Violet gestured down to the note in Klaus' hand. "Aunt Josephine is dead and she's left us in the care of Count Olaf."

"It's not right." Klaus said slowly, shaking his head as his eyes flitted everywhere over the long paper that sealed their fate with Count Olaf. "There's something funny about this note."

"There's nothing funny about a woman throwing herself out of a window!" Violet argued and Cara gave her a funny look, that was obviously not what he meant but she supposed the situation was messing with the girl's head a bit.

"Not funny as in a funny joke, funny as in a funny smell-"

"Like tuna." Cara cut him off, nodding her head before looking up at the siblings and seeing them looking at her weirdly. "Or, you know...other things. Klaus, please continue."

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