- The Court Is In Session

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"Every time I see that harpoon gun...I see him."

A/N: okay, i had to split part two into two parts because of the sheer size of it all

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A/N: okay, i had to split part two into two parts because of the sheer size of it all. This chapter alone is 22,400 words and I'm only halfway through the episode! But I think you'll be happy with this chapter



"She is fantastic."

A late evening, far before any villainy or foulness befell a tight-knit group of friends, the tragic opera 'La Forza del Destino' was being performed in a fancy theatre full of gold, marble and ornate décor.

Despite the tragedy written within the pages of the delicate opera, the evening was at first quite pleasant. Velvet seats with plush cushions, a view of the stage unblemished and a private circle seating for the friends of the performer on stage.

Downstage centre stood a woman known to be perfect by all traits - beautiful, intelligent, talented and a best friend to many. Lush and thick hair pulled up into a perfectly crafted bun, secured by the finest jewellery within her costume; a strapless, blue ballgown falling perfectly to her sides, stitched with flowers and sequins; wings like a dragonfly stretching from the back of her costume complete with a silver necklace clipped gently around her neck.

Beatrice, astounding within her costume, let the Italian composure flow from her mouth like she was born to preach it. Loud, yet touching. She stood amongst a set of broken down rock, amidst a wreckage that looked beautiful just by being in her presence - blue light shone down on her as though she were born for the spotlight.

The friends watched from afar, seated privately together to view the performance from a perfect seat. Every eye, watching her. Every ear, taking in her song.

Karina Pritchard sat in her best dress. Slim-fitting and golden, standing out against her tanned skin flawlessly and her silky black hair falling down her back in a way that could replicate a river washing smoothly over stone. She sat beside her two best friends, Esmé Squalor and Kit Snicket.

Esmé was showing off her tea set, taking every chance she had to fiddle with the ceramics as she poured Kit and Karina cups of tea for whilst they watched Beatrice perform flawlessly upon the stage.

Kit was sat comfortably with her left arm linked through her boyfriends...he looked like he was half-asleep and Karina smiled at him fondly.

"Sugar?" Esmé asked the two women beside her, raising her eyebrows and grinning towards her sugar bowl.

It was blue like the light Beatrice was bathed in, but held a white sqaure with flowers in the middle on the side of the bowl. Inside the bowl...was sugar cubes, of course.

Opposites Attract - Klaus BaudelaireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora