05. Dara

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“Fucking traffic drives me nuts.” The cab driver eyed me through the rearview mirror, more specifically, my breasts. I almost felt the need to cover myself, but that would draw even more attention.

What a perv, I thought, and almost regretted having dressed up and wearing a push-up bra.

“Son of a bitch.” The cabbie swore under his breath as we came to a stand-still at the intersection.

This guy was getting on my damn nerves. Of all the cabs I could’ve gotten into, I had to choose this one. He banged his fists against the steering wheel and leaned his head out the window, cursing at drivers who could no more move through the traffic than we could. When he was done, he attempted a peek in the mirror again. I shifted to the side and kept my mouth shut, even though I had a few choice words myself. Shithead being the nicest.

I looked at my phone instead, glad I’d decided to leave early to meet Jiyong. I smiled at the photo that served as my phone’s background. My daughter’s adorable round face smiled back at me, brown eyes sparkling with happiness as I tickled her. Awww. She’d been the one thing that helped me through my depression, and if it hadn’t been for her, I probably wouldn’t have sought help. Things had slowly begun to improve, but it would be a long time before I got my life back in order.

When I was younger, it seemed as if life’s possibilities were endless. My mother had encouraged me in anything and everything I wanted to pursue. I thought I could take on the world. But then, the harsh realities of life set in, and everything changed.

The past two years of my life had been a whirlwind of ups and downs. I had been through a dark time where I couldn’t even keep my job at the museum’s bar, which I’d only just begun to crawl out of. I’d always been able to take care of myself … but somewhere along the way, I’d lost my independence.

And the worst part was, I hadn’t even realized it.

Nearly thirty minutes later, the cab finally drove through the long winding path, pulling up outside of Regal Heights Resort & Spa. As I stepped onto the curb, my eyes followed the massive building all the way to the top. It felt larger and more intimidating than I remembered. Or maybe it just felt that way because of what I was doing there.

The lobby bustled with guests, and I did my best to stay out of their way as I walked toward the main dining room. With each step, the knots in my stomach twisted tighter and tighter, until I felt like I might throw up. I was determined not to cave in, because if I did, I was going to just turn around and never come back.

I approached the podium and was greeted by an overly cheerful host. “Good afternoon! Table for one?”

“Actually, I’m here for a lunch meeting with Ji—Mr. Kwon.” I gave him a polite smile. “My name is Dara Park.”

“Ah, yes, of course, Ms. Park.” The host nodded his head once. “Won’t you follow me?”

Clutching the strap of my purse, he led me through the dining room to an intimate table toward the back of the restaurant.

“Thank you.” I nervously took a seat.

“My pleasure.” He handed me a menu. “Would you like something to drink while you wait?”

“Just water would be great, thanks.”

He walked away and I was left alone, fidgeting in my seat. I hung my purse over the back of the chair and was just about to slip my phone inside when I felt it vibrate. I was greeted with a string of texts.

When are you going to call me back? We need to talk.

I know you read my texts.

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