04. Jiyong

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Over Two Years Later

I was dragged out of a dead sleep by the alarm ringing.

With a grunt of annoyance, I turned it off and let my eyes open. I could have sworn I’d been dreaming, but the details slipped away as I became more alert. I heard a huff to my right, and I glanced over to check on my bed companion.

My Mastiff, Gaho, lazily pried one eye open long enough to see I hadn’t moved yet, before he closed it again. With an affectionate smirk, I scratched him behind the ears before I climbed out of bed. My joints popped when I stretched, stiff from laying in one position too long.

In one fluid movement, I threw open the blinds. The early morning sunlight flooded the room, and I took a moment to gaze at the cityscape before me. I could see for miles from my penthouse. I never tired of the view. I glanced down to the city streets, tracking six bikers roaring down the highway. My heart was gripped with the urge to jump on my bike and set out on a joyride. But, work came first. Maybe I would go for a ride this weekend. It had taken years of blood, sweat, and tears for me to get where I was, and I never wanted to take it for granted.

After taking a deep breath, I dropped to the floor and started doing push-ups. My morning routine was the same every day. I woke up, exercised, showered, got ready for work, and then started my day. It helped keep my head clear, and it put me in the right mental state to face the challenges ahead.

Thirty minutes later, I was dressed and out the door, only stopping to give Gaho a goodbye pat on the head. He yawned loudly, curled up on the couch and fell back to sleep.

My office was located several floors below, and when I arrived, my assistant, Bom, immediately rose from her desk.

“Good morning, Mr. Kwon.” She straightened her blazer and smiled. “Your eight o’clock meeting with HR has been moved to nine, and you have several messages waiting for you.”

“Good morning. Coffee?” I walked past her and into my office.

Bom followed me inside. “I was just about to make a run. Large French Roast with two creams and no sugar.”

“Thanks, Ms. Park.” I leaned against my desk. “I don’t know how they do things at Dong Advertising, but here, assistants get the coffee before their bosses arrive. No matter.” I waved my hand and grinned. “You’ll learn.”

The color drained from Bom’s face. “I’m sorry, Mr. Kwon.” In her rush to respond, she stuttered, “I was going to get it earlier but got side-tracked by a phone call.”

“I wasn’t aware you were so easily distracted,” I said, still teasing her, but it didn’t seem she was getting the message, so I tried again. “It was my impression you were a great multitasker. You said so yourself in your resume, and Chaerin Lee told me it was one of the strengths you highlighted in your interview with her. You wouldn’t have fibbed, now would you?”

“I did, I mean … I am, and, no, sir, I wouldn’t,” Bom stammered and attempted to assure me. “The caller was particularly persistent. It took nearly twenty minutes to get them off the phone.”

All joking aside, I wasn’t surprised by her excuse. I was the Managing Director, and my phone was constantly ringing off the hook. Between investors and salespeople, everyone wanted a moment of my time to try and get me to buy whatever they were selling.

“There will always be pushy people, Ms. Park. It’s your job to handle them quickly and efficiently.”

She inclined her head. “I understand. They were adamant about speaking with you. I will do better next time.”

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