10. Jiyong

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I wasn't sure what to expect in terms of her explanation. Part of me wanted it all to be a misunderstanding, but I was a realist. Things were rarely as simple as we wanted them to be.

Deciding I was done for the day, I turned off my computer and pushed myself up to stand. I had to piss like a son of a bitch, my back cracked from sitting too long, and I winced and stretched.

I pressed the speaker on my desk phone. "Bom."

She appeared within seconds. "Yes, sir?"

"I'm heading out for the day." I picked up my cell. "Feel free to pack up early."

"Actually, I'd rather stay another hour if that's all right. I want to finish up a few more things before I leave for the weekend."

I had to admit that I was surprised.

Mrs. Jessica Jung had usually been all-too willing to leave early should the chance arise. "If you want. I'll see you on Monday."

I stepped into the elevator and sent a text to Chaerin.

Asked Ahreum out yet?

Her response was immediate: We've already gone out, but a girl doesn't kiss and tell.

Bullshit. You tell me everything down to the color of their panties.

Shut up.

I see how it is. I guess I won't tell you where I'm headed tonight.

I stepped out of the elevator and unlocked the door to my penthouse, smiling when she responded: Oh, come on! Ohhh ... Baby Mama. Wrap it up, lover boy.

I burst out laughing and shook my head. Damn. I couldn't remember the last time I'd laughed that hard.

I'm not saying shit until you tell me about Ahreum.

Fine. We're a thing now. Happy? But shut your damn trap and don't embarrass her. We'll go out for drinks later. K?

Took ya long enough. Drinks next weekend. And yeah, going to meet her for dinner, but it's not like that. Details later. Call ya tomorrow.

Sure it's not. I want those details, Asshat.

I chuckled and left her hanging.

I changed into something more comfortable before I headed over to Dara's place.

As I approached Dara's apartment door, I could smell something delicious cooking. She greeted me with a warm smile, and my heart skipped a beat. Her auburn hair was tied back in a low ponytail, and she wore a floral-patterned dress that had a low-cut neckline and barely reached her knees. I could see the smooth expansion of her long legs, and it distracted me for a second, giving me an unexpected semi. She had no idea how much I wanted her at that moment.

"You came."

"I said I would." I tried to keep my gaze trained on her eyes and not her chest. "Did you think I was lying?"

"No, but you weren't too happy. I thought you might cancel."

She stepped aside, and I let myself in. "Well, I didn't."

The apartment smelled amazing. "You know, now that I think about it, I rarely get to enjoy a home-cooked meal."

Dara's eyebrows furrowed in what seemed like shock. "Really?"

"Parents worked, and we lived in whatever hotel my father was running at the time." I shrugged. "There really wasn't a need for cooking, except for invitations and barbeques with friends."

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