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Vals POV
2 weeks later
These past few days I've been lost. I lost everyone except my mother and Ryan, which is surprising. Ava hasn't texted me since the vacation, I haven't talked to Ethan since he got kicked out, and Grayson has been avoiding me ever since our conversation.

I've never been so alone

My door opens and my mother stands there with soaked hair dripping on my floor, "It's pouring outside, I don't understand it was so hot a few minutes ago." My head stays resting on my knees as I rewatch Grey's Anatomy over. "I talked to Lisa today..Ethan's back home."

I pause the show and take a deep breath, "That's great." I respond.

"Go talk to him Valarie."

"He doesn't want to talk to me. He tells me he loves me and he leaves, no call, no message. Nothing." I blankly Starr at her and she does the same.

"Of course he's gonna say that, that's him telling himself to not care about you anymore and to let you go. The longer you stay in this room crying the quicker he's getting over you."

I laugh, "Mom he's having a baby with another girl!"

"He shows more love to you than that girl! I haven't heard Ethan talk about that baby once."

"Mom enough! It's over with, I'm done!" As I unpause the show, she slams my door closed.

He shouldn't be worried about me he has a baby coming. He told me he's done with us so that means that I need to move on. I need to move on. I don't and I can't wait for him. I cannot wait for him to come back to me, I cannot keep apologizing for doing what I did, I cannot keep crying about him, I need to move on. I need to move on. I need to move on!

I look at my car keys on my desk, and my heart begins to beat faster.

I need to move on

I throw my blanket on the floor and walk to my dresser rummaging through my clothes. I grab my keys and run out the door. As I get downstairs my mothers head shoots towards mine.

"Where are you going?"

"To go talk." I close the door and I gasp as the cold rain hits my head, my head quickly becoming wet. I turn on the car and stare ahead.

I need to move on

Ethan's POV
I stop by my room and look behind me, Grayson sat on the edge of his bed looking down at the floor. I want to go up to him and punch him in the face and tell him how much he screwed up, but at the same time I want to hug him.

I sit next to him and he sighs, "I fucked up Ethan."

"How can you not fall in love with her." I look down at my phone and see three messages from Rachel. "Gray you're my brother. I might hate you right now but you're my brother. That will never change."

I put my luggage on my bed and I hear a knock at my door, I turn around and see my mother and father standing in my doorway. I fully turn my body and look eye to eye with my father.

"I just wanted you to come to me first Ethan." He breaks the silence. He walks up to me and grabs the back of my head, pulling me in for a hug. "You're my son, and I love you." He says. I shut my eyes and let my arms wrap around him.

"Don't worry about the baby Ethan." My mom speaks up. "We will help you."

Before I can respond our doorbell rings, I look back down at my phone and I see a missed call from Rachel. I close my door and call her back.


"Why the fuck aren't you answering your phone!"

"I'm sorry. W-"

"My water broke!"

Vals POV
The door opens and Lisa looks at me in surprise, along with Sean. "Valarie..hi."

"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you but is Ethan here?" She nods her head along with a slight smile.

"Honey come in-it's pouring you're gonna get sick." Sean says.

"Ha-I know. I'm fine. I just need to know if E-" Ethan comes running down the stairs and he stops in his tracks as he looks up at me.

He closes the door and walks by me, "Valarie what the hell are you doing here?" He runs to his car trying to stay dry.

"Ethan I have to talk to you." I follow him.

He sighs as he struggles to open the truck. "Didn't we talk already?"

"No you talked. It's my turn now." The doors open and we both get in. He slams his door closed and looks over at me in anger.

"Get out."


"Get out Valarie! I swear to god-"

"You don't get to walk away! You do not get to walk away from me! Not again! You don't want to talk fine , but I'm gonna talk and you're gonna listen! Because you need to know that I have to move on! I have to. I don't want to keep laying in bed crying my heart out, and I don't want to wake up thinking if I'm gonna have a message from you saying that you fucking want me back. I don't even fucking eat anymore Ethan. I feel like I'm suffocating every second of the day because you're not with me, and I don't know how to live without knowing you're not trying for me. For us." His eyes were glossy, and his cheeks were flushed.

"So no, you do not get to walk away from me. I love you Ethan, and I want to be with you forever. I want to have babies, and I want to get a house and get a dog or a cat. I want to go Christmas shopping with you, and I want to go on dates, I want to travel the world. You're the only person I can do that with Ethan. I love you and I only want you to be mine. I want you to want me so bad, I only want you to fuck me, touch me, kiss me, love me, comfort me, be my person god! I want you! So you don't get to walk away."

The rain dropping on the truck was getting louder by the minute. Our breathing was intense.

"Rachel's having the baby."

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