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Val's POV
I couldn't stop thinking about what Ethan said. One minute he acts like he's my boyfriend the next minute I'm one of his side chicks. At least Ava came back from Florida, now I won't be that miserable.

"Alright girly,,I did not come over here to stare at you being depressed over some fuckboy. So get up!" She jumps on me, and I groan pushing her off. All I wanted to do was smack Ethan in the face a million times.

"He told me,,to leave and to not come back,,who says that to the girl you've known for years and fucks you mostly everyday!"

"Well he's Ethan Valarie! Are you actually surprised? I wouldn't even let him take my virginity."

"Thanks that makes me feel so much better!" I yell, silence fills the room for a good minute. Ava is my bestfriend, I love her to death but she doesn't realize that what she says hurts sometimes.

"Pizza?" I roll over and give her a smile,,nodding in response.

As I get out of the car I see Ryan walk into the pizza place. I quickly get back in the car while Ava looks at me in confusion. She knocks on the window and I look at her in nervousness.

"Get out!" She yells, I open the door and slide out. "What the hell is wrong with you now?" She asked.

"Ryan. He likes me. He's in there. Ethan doesn't like him. He's in there." I cross my arms over my chest standing in front of the door.

"Well...Ryan is a cute name so that means he's cute so that meansss we're going in there. By the way, Ethan isn't your problem anymore. So you can do whoever you want." She smirks at me as she opens the door waiting for me to walk in.

Ryan was cute, and nice...but Ethan was stuck on my mind

I walk in and his eyes immediately glue to mine. He gives me a warm smile and I give one back in return.

"Oh he's hot!" I roll my eyes at Ava as she loudly whispered in my ear. "Now you go over there, and I'll order the pizza." I slightly get pushed to his table and I take a seat.

"Uh is anybody sitting here?" I ask, my cheeks start to warm up and my leg was shaking nonstop.

"Yea...you," I look up at him and die into laughter. "I'm glad you thought that was funny. People usually hate my jokes." He slightly laughs, I could tell he was nervous he kept playing with his hands and every time he looked at me his face would get rosy. It was adorable.

"So uh, do you wanna go out sometime?" The words just slipped out of my mouth, I didn't know what I was saying but it felt right.

"What about that kid Ethan? Is he like your boyfriend or-"

"No no no! He's gone. Gone." I whisper the last part and he takes a sip on his soda.

"Saturday I'll come get you, we can go see a movie. Is that okay?" I look into his eyes not saying a word. He was so sweet, he wasn't a dick surprisingly.

"Yea..Saturday is perfect," I lowered my head trying to hide the redness coming off of my cheeks.

Ryan was a dick when I first met him at that party,,but he's different. Maybe he can be my distraction to get my mind off of Ethan.

Ethan who I still had feelings for. Strong feelings I guess,,

I keep disappearing and coming back and tbh I don't know why,,no one reads this


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