Chapter 23: Wanted Criminals Need Spa Days Too

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He licked his finger, turning a page. "I'm glad Ellie didn't murder us last night." He muttered. Gyro didn't even need to look at Gloria to know she was awake. It was like he could hear her eyes open or something.

"Yeah, that was sweet of her." Gloria yawned and sat up in the bed too. Man she was not ready for whatever Miss Glamour had planned with this spa day. Ellie might actually commit second degree murder.

Maybe Gyro could read minds too. "Not ready for the spa day?"

"No. I'm not sure what to even say to either of them."

"Just act normal, like nothing happened and get it over with. Or not. That's up to you." He looked over at her, putting the book down. "Maybe you won't even have to go. It's 10:30 and Miss Glamour hasn't even shown up yet. I know she's all about being "fashionably late", but I believe 15 minutes after is fashionably late for her."

A loud knock came from the door. Like clockwork, bro. Before they could answer, Miss Glamour walked in all pimped out like the badass she was. "You ready for the spa dear?" It wasn't a question. "Don't worry about changing. They'll give us robes so you won't look so..." She waved her arm at her, up and down. "Sloppy. Don't get wrong, you're still an IT."

Gloria was lucky to be on Miss Glamour's good side, considering how it's very rare to have that, so she didn't want to make her upset even if she would've rather have jumped out the window and taken her chances with Steelbeak then go to the spa day. Gloria sighed and got out of bed to follow Miss Glamour out.


Ellie woke up in the suite bed, having shut down next to Boyd last night. She wondered what had woken her up before she noticed the early afternoon sun peeking through the curtains. It must've been her internal clock. Or the loud clicking sound from Mark's phone as he took selfies on the other side of the king sized bed.

She remained laying down, looking over at him. Boyd was still asleep with her arms wrapped around him. "Good morning."

"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" Mark was tweeting his morning selfies like he does every morning. "Good luck spending time with my mom all day HA!"

Ellie sat up. "...pardon?"

"Ohhhhhh riiiiiiight, you left the table before my mom told you but yeah. You, Gloria, and my mom are all gonna have a spa day together to talk things over."

"What?!" Ellie looked down at Boyd to make sure she hadn't woken him up. She hadn't. "I can't after what happened last night. That is ridiculous."

Mark shrugged "Well you can't exactly tell my mom "no" sooooooo..." Mark continued "If it makes you feel any better, I have to go mini golfing or whatever with Gyro of all people. ugh."

She sighed. "Can I ask you something?"

"Ye!" Mark continued typing, not looking at her.

"Do you think I'm evil? Just naturally a bad person?"

Mark finally looked at her "What?! No way! God don't let those losers get to you like that! I literally programmed you so I would know if I made an evil robot."

"Thanks." She said. "I shouldn't have let things get so out of hand. I don't know what came over me. But what both Gyro and Gloria said wasn't alright either. I don't think I can forget or forgive what they said."

Miss Glamour knocked on their door before letting herself in without permission. It's her house, her rules. Gloria was there but she stood on the other side of the door, trying to stay as far away as she could.

Ducktales: Journey To Agartha - Act 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ