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Taylor's pov.

Tea pushed me and ran outside.

What's her problem?

"Can I get some help?" I asked the guys.

They all had surprised or angry looks on their faces.

Matt glared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Your a fucking asshole!" Nash spoke.

"To Tea? Nah. We do that all the time." I brushed it off.

"Taylor. You've gone to far. Go apologize. Now." Cameron was pissed.

"I did nothing wrong!" I was getting angry at them.

Matt walked right past me and walked out.

"Fine. I'll do it myself." I threw my hands up in defeat.

I walked into the babies room and took the car seats out of the box.

"How do I put these in?" I said to myself.

I grabbed the instructions.

"Fuck me. I need Tea." I threw them to the ground and got up.

"Tea?" I walked into the living room.

The guys were just there. I nodded and opened the door.

Her and Matt were sitting in his car.

I took a deep breath and walked over to it.


Sorry for the long wait. But here's a short update because I'm sitting in math rn and my teacher's going over a test #yolo

I start finals in a week, so I'll try update Thursday or Friday cause I'm not going to school on Friday. I'm so bad ass I know. 😁

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