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Vanessa's pov.

(This is going on while all above is)

I smiled at Taylor.

It was the cutest thing ever. He's feeding Emily and is saying little things like:

"You're as beautiful as your mommy."; "I can't wait till you can talk." ; "My baby girl."; "I love you so much."

"We can so do this." He looked up at me.

I must have zoned out at him because he tapped my shoulder.

"What? Sorry." I shook my head to get my thoughts straighten out.

"I said we can so do this. Don't you think so babe?" He repeated.

"Oh yeah, sorry I zoned out there." I nodded.

"I noticed." He chuckled.

"Be nice or you'll be the one dealing with both of them when they wake up." I smirked.

"Fine I'll stop."

"Thank you." I smiled.

There was silence other than the quiet radio playing in the kitchen.

"What time is it?" I yawned.

"7:38." Taylor pushed a button on the remote.

"We should try and lay them down."

I went to stand, but I fell back on to the couch.

"Fuck." I whispered as I fell.

"You alright babe?" Taylor stood.

"Yeah. My leg must have fell asleep." I laughed.

Taylor nodded, then carried Emily to their room.

I tried to stand again, but I couldn't.

"I got him babe." Taylor scooped Ethan from me and took him away.

"Thanks honey." I puckered my lips.

Taylor gladly took the kiss.

"Now, mommy hungry?" Taylor clapped his hands together.

"Shhh, and yeah a little." I covered myself with the baby blanket.

"Pizza?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Whatever floats your goat."

Taylor smiled and grabbed the menu from the kitchen.

I turned my attention to the tv.

"It's Wednesday. What's on?" I scrolled through the channels.

"Duck Dynasty." I smiled.

"It'll be here in 30 minutes." Taylor slid down beside me.

"How much?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it babe. I got it." He waved me off.

"I know, but how much." I asked again.

"I got it babe." He didn't even look at me.

"How much Taylor." I was getting a little angry at him.

"Does it matter?" He asked.

"Yes. We've got this thing called children now and we have to watch our spending." I was fed up.

"Really? I didn't notice! I wasn't just feeding one." Taylor's tone changed too.

"Shut up. We have to Taylor." I turned to face him better.

"Don't tell me to shut up. And don't tell me how to spend my money." He turned back to the tv.

I turned it off.

"What was that for?"

"You know I'm right. Kids ain't cheap."

"I know. But do you know how much money I have?"

"Well your not going to have it if you don't keep track."

"Don't tell me how to spend my money." Taylor got off the couch.

"We're in the together now. You have me a ring and everything Taylor." I followed him.

"How come you didn't ask how much I spent on that eh?" He slapped his hands down on the counter.

"Because I'm not suppose too!" I probably yelled.

"So if a ring doesn't matter, why does pizza? It's fucking pizza Vanessa!" He yelled.

"Would you shut your mouth! They're asleep and I plan to keep them that way!" I whisper yelled.

"Oh yes. The children that I have to watch my pizza for." He went outside.

"Why are you being like this?" I followed him.

"Your the one who's asking me about how much I'm spending on fucking pizza and being a bitch about it."

Taylor never called me a bitch.

"Well the more you spend on fucking pizza, the less we have for school, supplies, I'm sure he'll play a sport and she'll get into something and those things cost money Taylor!" I screamed.

"You don't think I fucking know that? I'm not a total fucking retard."

We're both yelling at this point.

I shook my head.

"What? You pissed at me? Good. Now you know how I felt when I found out it wasn't one. No. Two. Fucking two babies that I have to pay for. Twice the fucking money at once!"

"It's not my fault! You had something to do with it too!"

"I was fucking drunk at the lake! You told me your on the pill!" He clenched his fists.

"Oh yes. This is my fault that you had one to many and I was trying to keep up with you and I forgot to take it!"

Taylor grabbed me.

"Your a fucking bitch and I never want to see you again!" He pushed me on to the ground.

"What the fuck!" I sat up.

"Seriously Vanessa! Just fucking go! I don't even care!" He threw his hands in the air.

I took the ring off and threw it at him.

"Fine! Have fucking fun with them." I ran inside, grabbed my keys and slammed the door.

I got into my car and took off.

About three blocks later; I pulled over.

What just happened?

I looked at my now bare finger.

All I could do right there was cry. And I did.

"I need to talk to Tea." I wiped my face.

I started my car again and followed the road to Tea and Matt's place.

I'm sure Taylor would never but I got bored so yeah.

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