
539 19 1

Taylor's pov

I heard Matt? in the babies room grab the bags.

It was quiet on the monitor so I came back into the house.

It felt so empty.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered to no one.

I didn't know what else to do, so I went to bed.

It seemed so big and cold without her.

I rolled over to check the time. 9:53pm.

I closed my eyes to see if this was just some twisted dream.

Vanessa's pov.

Skylynn and I were watching Tarzan.

Well she was, I was just there.

"Nessa?" Skylynn looked up at me.

"Yeah." My voice cracked.

"You having a sleepover too?"


She nodded, then went back to the movie.

"I want Nash." Her eyes started to tear up.

"Tea will be home soon sweetie. I'm sorry but I can't handle this right now."

I hated not playing attention to Sky. She is the cutest, sweetest and sassiest little girl ever. I love her.

She started crying and I was ready too.

"Hello?" Tea's voice filled the house.

"Tea!" Skylynn ran, still crying.

"Sweetie what happened?" I heard her asked.

"I miss Nash."

"Where's Vanessa?" Her voice got closer.

She stopped when she saw me.

Tea's pov.

"Where's Vanessa?" I asked.

She didn't respond, so I went forward.

Skylynn was hugging me tight as I walked into the living room.

I stopped when I saw her.

Vanessa looked like she'd be through hell and back twice in one day.

I knew she did.

I opened my mouth to say something, but she shook her head.

I nodded, then went back into the kitchen.

"Put them here for now thanks." Matt said to Hayes as he put one of the twins on the table.

"Hey Sky." Hayes walked over to me.

"Please don't." I whispered, rocking her.

He stepped back.

"She downstairs?" Matt asked quietly.

I turned my body towards the living room.

"Okay." Matt spoke quietly.

"Can you please bring in their stuff?" I asked nicely.

"Come on." Matt patted Hayes on the back and they went outside.

"Tea." Skylynn said sleepy, lifted her head.

"It's alright sweetie, lay down." I rocked her.

I walked back into the living room.

"We'll talk after I put her down and the boys have got everything in." I kinda demanded to Vanessa.

She nodded, looking a little scared.

I nodded, walking back into the kitchen.

Matt was coming upstairs, so I stopped him.

"Babe, can you please take her?" I tried to move her up, but she was too heavy.

Matt grabbed her and I relaxed a little.

"What are you going to do when baby's born?" He smiled.

"Well, they won't be 40 pounds and I won't be pregnant right?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

All he did, was kiss my cheek then run into the living room.

"Espinosa!" I called after him.

"There, it's all in here." Hayes came inside.

"Thank you so much." I opened my arms.

Hayes wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you." I kissed his forehead.

"Love you too." He buried his face into my neck.

He let go and took a step back, sitting in a chair.

"So where am I sleeping?" He cleared his throat.

Vanessa has the basement now, our upstairs guess room has no bed and the couch isn't big enough for both of them to sleep on.

"There's an air mattress or the couch downstairs makes a bed." I thought for a second. I was sitting. Weird but oh well.

"Well Sky's prob sleeping already." He stopped because Matt came in.

"Yup. Just put her in our room." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and grabbed a cup.

"Matthew." I sighed in disappointment.

"What babe?" He stood behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Skylynn won't get up. Now we can't sleep there." I put my hand on his.

"I'll move her."

"Without waking her?" I asked.


"It's not that easy. Nash has problems." Hayes said.

"You can sleep with her, we'll sleep downstairs so if Vanessa needs help, we can." I nodded at my words.

"Okay, well it's 11:38, I'm going to shower, is that alright?" Hayes stood up.

"Towels are in the closet. Just please be quiet." Matt pointed.

Hayes nodded then went into the bathroom.


Now what? (T.C)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz